Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My Life With Drinking Water - 1857 Words
9:15. This is the time that I awoke on yet another seemingly average Thursday morning. I groggily force myself to rise from the warm sanctuary of my multiple blankets and pillows in order to start my day. After the hour or so of preparing for the day ahead, I decide that it is time to hydrate myself by drinking water. However, this is not just any ordinary water. It is Dasani, my favorite affordable brand of bottled water. As I reach my refrigerator, I am met with immense dismay as I learn that my supply has been emptied out. Seeing as though I typically go grocery shopping anyway on Thursdays, this disappointment did not ruin my day. I go through my day as usual by going to my classes for the day. When they end, I prepare for my journey out to the store. I must find the one thing I allow to quench my thirst, Dasani. I go through the local Kroger as usual, picking up any food that I find will last me and my roommate for a week or two. Then, I enter the beverage aisle. My entire day h as been leading up to this moment. I speed past the numerous sugary options and head straight to the bottled water. My eyes scan through the various options. After a few seconds of intense searching, my eyes lock onto the green and blue packaging of the reliable bottled water, Dasani. As if it was a reflex, my body rushes towards the case and lifts up the slightly heavy twenty-four case of the bottled water. While handing the cashier money in exchange for my groceries, I begin to wonder why IShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Debate: Acces to Drinking Water Essay676 Words  | 3 PagesIntro – â€Å"Over 4,000 children die every day from water related diseases. In fact, more lives have been lost after World War II due to contaminated water than from all forms of violence and war. This humanitarian catastrophe has been allowed to fester for generations. We must stop it.†[Herald Tribune] It is because I agree with Mikhail Gorbachev, that I must affirm today’s resolution. 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