Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Use of Guns for Self Defense to Deter Crime
The Second Amendment says, A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It mentions nothing about self-defense. In modern American politics, however, much of the gun rights debate has centered on the aspect of using guns for defense of life and property. The D.C. handgun case and the Chicago gun ban challenge saw plaintiffs use self-defense as an effective argument for overturning gun bans. Today, several states have enacted often-controversial â€Å"stand your ground†or â€Å"Castle Doctrine†laws permitting, within specific legal parameters, the use of deadly force in acts of self-defense against actual or reasonably perceived threats of bodily harm. In February 2012, the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin by Sanford, Florida neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman propelled state stand your ground laws squarely into the spotlight of the gun control debate. Exact numbers for the impact of firearms on crime are difficult to come by. Much of the research into the impact of guns as a crime deterrent comes from the work of Dr. Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist. Guns in Self-Defense Kleck released a study in 1993 showing that guns are used in defense of crime 2.5 million times each year, an average of once every 13 seconds. Kleck’s survey concluded that guns are used in defense of crime three-to-four times more often than they’re used in the commission of a crime. Surveys conducted prior to Kleck’s found that incidents of gun use in self-defense ranged from 800,000 to 2.5 million each year. A U.S. Department of Justice Survey released in 1994, â€Å"Guns in America,†estimated 1.5 million defensive gun uses each year. According to the U.S. Department of Justice report, Firearm Violence, 1993-2011, about 1% of nonfatal violent crime victims nationwide used a firearm in self-defense. From 2007 to 2011, there were 235,700 confrontations in which the victim used a firearm to threaten or attack an offender. This amounted to approximately 1% of all nonfatal violent victimizations in the 5-year period. Guns as a Deterrent Studies by Kleck and the Department of Justice concluded that guns are frequently used to protect crime victims. But do they serve as a deterrent to crime? Findings are mixed. A study by professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi surveyed nearly 2,000 incarcerated felons and concluded that criminals are more worried about running into armed victims than law enforcement. According to the Wright-Rossi survey, 34% of the felons responding from state prisons said that they had been â€Å"scared off, shot at, wounded or captured†by a victim armed with a firearm. The same percentage said they worried about being fired upon by armed victims, while 57% said they were more concerned with encountering an armed victim than encountering law enforcement officers. Avoiding Armed Robberies America’s liberal gun laws are often criticized as a contributor to the U.S.’s relatively high rates of violent crime. Homicide rates in the U.S. are among the highest in the world, exceeding homicide rates in some nations that have clamped down on civilian gun ownership. However, Kleck studied crime rates from Great Britain and the Netherlands, two nations with much stricter gun ownership laws than the U.S., and concluded that the risk of armed robbery is lower in America because of loose gun laws. The rate of burglaries at occupied homes (â€Å"hot†burglaries) in Great Britain and the Netherlands is 45%, compared to a rate of 13% in the U.S. Comparing those rates to the percentage of hot burglaries in which the homeowner is threatened or attacked (30%), Kleck concluded that there would be an additional 450,000 burglaries in the U.S. in which homeowners are threatened or attacked if the rate of hot burglaries in the U.S. was similar to the rate in Great Britain. The lower rate in the U.S. is attributed to widespread gun ownership. Updated by Robert Longley Sources Kleck, Gary, and Marc Gertz. Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Fall, 1995, Planty, Michael, and Jennifer L. Truman. â€Å"Firearm Violence, 1993-2011.† Bureau of Justice Statistics, May 2013, Wright, James D., and Peter H. Rossi. â€Å"PUBLICATIONS.† NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 1994,
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My Life With Drinking Water - 1857 Words
9:15. This is the time that I awoke on yet another seemingly average Thursday morning. I groggily force myself to rise from the warm sanctuary of my multiple blankets and pillows in order to start my day. After the hour or so of preparing for the day ahead, I decide that it is time to hydrate myself by drinking water. However, this is not just any ordinary water. It is Dasani, my favorite affordable brand of bottled water. As I reach my refrigerator, I am met with immense dismay as I learn that my supply has been emptied out. Seeing as though I typically go grocery shopping anyway on Thursdays, this disappointment did not ruin my day. I go through my day as usual by going to my classes for the day. When they end, I prepare for my journey out to the store. I must find the one thing I allow to quench my thirst, Dasani. I go through the local Kroger as usual, picking up any food that I find will last me and my roommate for a week or two. Then, I enter the beverage aisle. My entire day h as been leading up to this moment. I speed past the numerous sugary options and head straight to the bottled water. My eyes scan through the various options. After a few seconds of intense searching, my eyes lock onto the green and blue packaging of the reliable bottled water, Dasani. As if it was a reflex, my body rushes towards the case and lifts up the slightly heavy twenty-four case of the bottled water. While handing the cashier money in exchange for my groceries, I begin to wonder why IShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Debate: Acces to Drinking Water Essay676 Words  | 3 PagesIntro – â€Å"Over 4,000 children die every day from water related diseases. In fact, more lives have been lost after World War II due to contaminated water than from all forms of violence and war. This humanitarian catastrophe has been allowed to fester for generations. We must stop it.†[Herald Tribune] It is because I agree with Mikhail Gorbachev, that I must affirm today’s resolution. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Meaning Of Tamas Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the The Meaning Of Tamas Novel. Answer: Introduction The author tries to bring home reality that fury of madness is not last and in the midst of the shroud of darkness and dangers of madness, there exists a beam of hope; as the saying goes, Every cloud has a silver lining. The title of the novel, Tamas, itself recommends an endeavor to portray and denounce the numbness and murkiness associated with communal ferocity, right before the partition of India (Sahni, 1). Bhisham Sahni's novel Tamas [The Darkness], is set in a little village in the North West outskirts area [which is now situated in Pakistan], where the slaughtering of a pig, contemplated to be a sin by the Muslims, and also slaughtering of a cow [this animal is deemed sacred by the Hindus], gives rise to communal riots (Sahni, 1). Paradoxically, once the butchery has run its course, the very individuals who were subtly behind the twin unholy and sinful triggers, move about, pleading to restore peace. Discussion The meaning of tamas is 'darkness'. It represents the era, which was totally shrouded in the darkness of corruption, unethical behaviour and brutality (Rao, 11). It has further implications that talk of the degraded 'gunas' or traits (Chattopadhyay, 1). The entire narrative of partition and its serious effect on the people indeed is reflected in Bhisham Sahni's Tamas. The novel opens with murdering a pig, in a grimy fire-lit hovel; this turns into a metaphor of debased mindset of the public, elevating the savagery and fiendishness. The conclusion turns into a metaphor of the achievable hope, in the midst of rottenness, pitilessness and vindictiveness (Wallenius and Bhat, 55). The occasions portrayed in Tamas depend on obvious records of the 1947 riots, which Sahni witnessed in Rawalpindi (Khan, 87). The topic of communal uproars has rendered Tamas (The Darkness) to be a standout amongst the contentious works in Indian narratives. The theme of this novel revolves around filthy politic s in pre-independence era, which aimed at topographical division with the aid of division of religion. The shocking scene of the communal upheavals and distressed individuals were exceptionally pathetic. The choice of political leaders to partition India, was consequently sad and shared hatred from both the sides of frontier was exceptionally appalling and dishonorable. The execution of the arrangement of partition neither was done with readiness nor with premonition and it prompted a grave human disaster. A train of dead groups of Muslims reached Pakistan from India bearing the message on the train compartments- 'a gift from India'. Consequently, Muslims returned two trains stacked of murdered Sikhs and Hindus with the message 'a present from Pakistan' (Deswal, 7). The occasion of division led to the migration of twelve million occupants. Thousands were butchered in the halfway to their obscure destinations in another nation. Tamas recollects the four days of communal viciousness through the eyes of various characters in the book and their appalling encounters. It uncovers how lawmakers utilize guiltless individuals to cause communal uproars the Congress party members debate among themselves for power, the non-violence movement is mocked at by the alleged patriots, and the dormant yet profoundly intrigued British government constitutes a part of this massacre (Sharma, 492). The fire of communal discord spreads in the town. Tamas, is a mirror of intolerant society, and mirrors the fragility of the roots of secular democracy. Tamas cruelly reminds that lawmakers are the initial step towards madness of humankind. Every politician is self-absorbed, irrespective of which religion [Muslim, Hindu or Sikh] the person belongs to. The occasions after the uproars, delineating hundreds of towns suffocated, bring shame to humanism, demonstrating how British accomplished the divide and rule policy effectively. Bhisham Sahni additionally demonstrates how religious morals can bring about devastation in a tranquil city. The general population driven by their feelings and sentiments of retaliation slay each other. The part of the religion in politics is so very well accentuated and featured that it turns into the focal thought of the novel. The scenario after the uproars is troubling where numerous characters relate their stories in the relief camp. The women captured by the mass are sexually beleaguered and executed. Some of the women murdered their own kids and after that executed themselves to escape from the hordes. The women who had been abducted by the crowds lived in consistent dread, distress and anxiety. Mental sufferings of the general population deadened their minds. The individuals who had been compellingly transformed, lost their relatives, their religion and in particular their self-regard and lived with inferiority complex in the other group. Each of these sufferings have been demonstrated clearly and mindfully set by the creator in the novel. Nevertheless, the lack of the womens perspectives is striking, as no female character is completely developed and the horror that the women had experienced during the partition is not vividly projected. The women characters in the narrative only exist in the shadow of the overwhelming topics of governmental issues, religion and communalism. The novel brought up some essential issues like how religion could turn out to be such an antihuman power. Which components in religion could incite a gathering of women to indulge in such craze that they chose to indulge in self-immolation rather than enduring corporeal mortification? What influenced rational human beings to turn into beasts? Regardless of all these key inquiries, the writer is optimistic about illumination after darkness. Sahni trusted that, light is present towards the concluding part of the long passage of darkness. Expectations of Bhisham Sahni are just in light of the fact that after partition and independence of India, after dark parts of the history, light shined through. The huge creature of savagery and impropriety was stirred all of a sudden in the brains of such individuals who were at that point of communal frenzy of psyche. The people possessing authority, the religious pioneers and the political associations were not in a position to resolve the upheaval and antagonistic vibe between major religious groups and to keep up serene climate in the public arena (Pawar and Aurangabad, 3). However, there existed an unassuming trust in humankind in the form of certain notable characters, such as Shahnawaz and Rajo (Breto, 4). The demonstrations of a few characters resemble a silver line in the darkness of clouds. Sahni claims that individuals from a similar religious group possess different characteristics. It is amusing to take note of the fact that Murad Ali, a communist and the one promoter of communal savagery, has dark complexion, is of short stature and has small infiltrating eyes in total. Moreover, Shahnawaz, the voice of rational soundness help ing his Hindu brethren amid riots, is thoughtful and great looking. On the contrary, Milkhi, a Brahmin, resembled a messy, disgusting reptile. Sahni outlined Gandhian characters and reasoning. The General and Bakshiji are the agent of Gandhian belief system (Singh, 317). The General expected to control the revolting and was shot to death simultaneously. He was an image of Gandhi's belief of non-violence. The admirers of peace continued living in both Muslim and Hindu people group in that hour of emergency. Mounting pressure in story of Tamas is assuaged by liberal demonstrations of tranquility admirers of the contemporary society. The above-mentioned individuals had faith in mankind, because of such individuals and their cognizant endeavors, the deluded society recuperated as of the disorder excited owing to communal riots. Novel Tamas is one frightful sight of particular pre-partition disputes and partition of India (Dey, 7). The unexpected episode of partition formed by eminent lawmakers and British was a landmark occasion in the record of world. Forty million individuals belonging to India, were shocked by the division of the nation (Rao, 22). A great many individuals needed to cross the borders unwillingly; the greater part of them could not reach their uncertain destination, slaughtered in the mid-ways. A great many women conferred suicide to ensure their immaculateness and purity. Certain girls and women were assaulted, raped and murdered. The sight was extremely awful and forsaken. The uproars amongst Hindu and Muslim people group were wild; the fire of shared disdain could not stop regardless of the recurrent pleadings of concerned authorities. The novel Tamas is the microcosmic representation of the communal uproars in India. The entire country was amidst uproars and gore. Politicians sought af ter their tricks to obtain their own particular targets. Leaders of the land- the Britishers, were not anxious to cease the riot, since they derived pleasure from the sights of Hindu-Muslim opposition, since it was the objective of their manipulation. The country, India, has endured a considerable measure due to riots; it also endured a lot because of the despicable politics of communal authorities of that particular nation. The Politicians and political gatherings could not predict the agony and torments of individuals, which resulted owing to their decision-making, lacking foreknowledge. The individuals from India, predominantly in divided territories of Punjab, Bengal, and Jammu and Kashmir, were experiencing the massacre. The individuals got caught up in hurricane of communal political affairs. Conclusion The excellent part of Tamas is that it covers every one of the areas situated in variegated places of the Indian society, ranging from fire to darkness. It demonstrates the casualties in the town, village, youthful, and aged Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs and English. The creator keenly presents the characters and capably delineates the physical and the psychological enduring of the casualties through several metaphors of darkness and fire. An account of authentic elements immerses all the individual stories. Tamas can be likewise clarified as the delineation of darkness of communal fire and narrow mindedness prevalent in the minds of the individuals. References Breto, Isabel Alonso. "Violences: Around and Inside."Indialogs3.Violences (2016): 3-6. Chattopadhyay, Subhasis. "Partition lies, Advaita Vedanta and Bhisham Sahnis Tamas." (2016). Deswal, Prateek. "Communalism and the Politics of the Sacred: A Study of Tamas by Bhisham Sahni."Language in India15.2 (2015). Dey, Arunima. "Women as Martyrs: Mass Suicides at Thoa Khalsa During the Partition of India."Indialogs3 (2015): 7-17. Khan, Afrinul Haque. "Text, Representation and Revision: Re-visioning Partition Violence in Khushwant Singhs Train to Pakistan and Bhisham Sahnis Tamas."Indialogs3.Violences (2016): 81-97. Pawar, Sadashiv, and Kannad Aurangabad. "Partition Perspectives in B. Sahnis Tamas." (2014). Rao, V. Pala Prasada. "The Refugees' Predicament: A Select Study of Indian Fiction."Ars Artium(2016): 11. Rao, V. Pala Prasada. "The Roots of Religious Intolerance: A Select Study of the Indian Novels."Paragon International Publishers(2017): 22. Sahni, Bhisham.Tamas. Penguin Books India, 2008. Sharma, Manoj. "CINEMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF PARTITION OF INDIA."PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences3.3 (2017). Singh, Madhu. "Altered Realities, New Experiences: Bhisham Sahni, Nirmal Verma, and the Nayi Kahani Movement."Comparative Literature Studies53.2 (2016): 312-333. Wallenius, Marja-Liisa, and K. S. Bhat. "The concept of'otherness' in partition narratives of Finland and India." (2017).
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Romeo And Juliet, Is A Story Of Two Young Lovers, Whose Love Was Desti
Romeo and Juliet, is a story of two young lovers, whose love was destined for destruction. They did not imagine that their love would lead to the tragedies that it did. These two young people did nothing wrong except fall in love. Three aspects of their destruction included the feud between the two families, the nurse and her betrayal of Juliet and the most important aspect of all is fate. The feud between the two families was one factor that contributed to the love of Romeo and Juliet being destined for destruction. "From ancient grudge break to new mutiny". (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, pg.2 l.3) The two families, Montagues and Capulets, had many problems. There was hate between the two families so much so that even the servants hated each other. This feud would have caused many problems for Romeo and Juliet: These two young lovers knew this and this is why they kept their marriage a secret. If their parents discovered their secret, they would have made their children's lives miserable. Romeo and Juliet would not have been able to see each other. Both of these families were very stubborn and there was hardly any thing that would have made them become friends. In the prologue we learn that the only way the "strife" could be ended was by the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. "Doth with their death bury their parent's strife". (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, l.8) Neither the Montague s or the Capulets would have accepted the marriage. Keeping the marriage a secret caused Romeo and Juliet to turn to other people for help. Sometimes these people gave them the wrong advice or just betrayed them. The Nurse was one of these characters who betrayed the young couple. The Nurse who was also Juliet's friend turned against her at a very crucial time. The Nurse told Juliet that it would be best if she married Paris. "I think it best you married with the county". (Romeo & Juliet, pg.101, III, v, l.219) This betrayal by the Nurse left Juliet alone. She was a wise young woman but it still would have been beneficial for her to have the help of the Nurse. Juliet was left on her own to make some very important decisions. I believe that if the Nurse had been around to help Juliet things may have turned out differently. Juliet had no one to turn to and ask for help. She could not have gone to her parents because they would not have understood. The Nurse was supposed to be one of Juliet's best friends. Now when it was important for Juliet to have someone there, for her she was betrayed. When considering the destruction of Romeo and Juliet the most sifnificant fact you must think about is fate. Fate, above all, destroyed Romeo and Juliet. Many instances in the play reveals that the love of Romeo and Juliet would end in death. "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life". (Romeo & Juliet,pg.2, Prologue, l.6) From the very beginning it is evident that they were destined by the stars to bad fortune. Some people may think that there is no way to control fate or change what is in the stars. It could be that the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined for death so that their parent's feud would be over. Also, in the prologue it states that the dreadful course of their love was destined for death. "The fearful passage of their death marked love". (Romeo & Juliet, pg.2, Prologue, l.9) Both of these quotes show us that the love of these two was destined to end tragically. The masquerade party was above all the most important aspect of fate. The fact that Romeo was wearing a mask and his face was hidden allowed juliet to fall in love with him before she saw who it was. If Juliet had known who Romeo was she would probably have not fallen in love with him. Fate could not have been changed whatever was meant to be would happen and no one could change that. In conclusion, from the very beginning, the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined to be destroyed. It is tragic that both these Romeo And Juliet, Is A Story Of Two Young Lovers, Whose Love Was Desti Romeo and Juliet, is a story of two young lovers, whose love was destined for destruction. They did not imagine that their love would lead to the tragedies that it did. These two young people did nothing wrong except fall in love. Three aspects of their destruction included the feud between the two families, the nurse and her betrayal of Juliet and the most important aspect of all is fate. The feud between the two families was one factor that contributed to the love of Romeo and Juliet being destined for destruction. "From ancient grudge break to new mutiny". (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, pg.2 l.3) The two families, Montagues and Capulets, had many problems. There was hate between the two families so much so that even the servants hated each other. This feud would have caused many problems for Romeo and Juliet: These two young lovers knew this and this is why they kept their marriage a secret. If their parents discovered their secret, they would have made their children's lives miserable. Romeo and Juliet would not have been able to see each other. Both of these families were very stubborn and there was hardly any thing that would have made them become friends. In the prologue we learn that the only way the "strife" could be ended was by the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. "Doth with their death bury their parent's strife". (Romeo & Juliet, Prologue, l.8) Neither the Montague s or the Capulets would have accepted the marriage. Keeping the marriage a secret caused Romeo and Juliet to turn to other people for help. Sometimes these people gave them the wrong advice or just betrayed them. The Nurse was one of these characters who betrayed the young couple. The Nurse who was also Juliet's friend turned against her at a very crucial time. The Nurse told Juliet that it would be best if she married Paris. "I think it best you married with the county". (Romeo & Juliet, pg.101, III, v, l.219) This betrayal by the Nurse left Juliet alone. She was a wise young woman but it still would have been beneficial for her to have the help of the Nurse. Juliet was left on her own to make some very important decisions. I believe that if the Nurse had been around to help Juliet things may have turned out differently. Juliet had no one to turn to and ask for help. She could not have gone to her parents because they would not have understood. The Nurse was supposed to be one of Juliet's best friends. Now when it was important for Juliet to have someone there, for her she was betrayed. When considering the destruction of Romeo and Juliet the most sifnificant fact you must think about is fate. Fate, above all, destroyed Romeo and Juliet. Many instances in the play reveals that the love of Romeo and Juliet would end in death. "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life". (Romeo & Juliet,pg.2, Prologue, l.6) From the very beginning it is evident that they were destined by the stars to bad fortune. Some people may think that there is no way to control fate or change what is in the stars. It could be that the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined for death so that their parent's feud would be over. Also, in the prologue it states that the dreadful course of their love was destined for death. "The fearful passage of their death marked love". (Romeo & Juliet, pg.2, Prologue, l.9) Both of these quotes show us that the love of these two was destined to end tragically. The masquerade party was above all the most important aspect of fate. The fact that Romeo was wearing a mask and his face was hidden allowed juliet to fall in love with him before she saw who it was. If Juliet had known who Romeo was she would probably have not fallen in love with him. Fate could not have been changed whatever was meant to be would happen and no one could change that. In conclusion, from the very beginning, the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined to be destroyed. It is tragic that both these
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