Monday, May 25, 2020
Personal Statement On Health Assessment Essay - 1064 Words
INTRODUCTION We had 12 modules (each with 3 MCQS) from block –1 (Health assessment). I wil be identifying 10 concepts from them and thoroughly scrutinize how they would apply to my personal life and other contextual settings such as social context, coupled with current related researches on these concept. However, their applications to my current work place (Havana specialist Hospital, Surulere, and Lagos, Nigeria) and their usefulness to the current world will also be discussed. The concepts are as follows: Communication in Health Assessment (Module1), Management planning in Nursing Process (Module 3), leadership and leadership style, Data collection in health assessment , nutritional assessment, vital signs, Depression and its assessment, substance abuse assessment and lastly assessing skin diseases: Skin cancer. 1. Communication in health assessment According to Wikipedia, Health Assessment is a plan of care that identifies the specific needs of a person and how those needs will be addressed by the health care system or skilled nursing facility. It involves physical assessment, nutritional assessment, self care assessment, mental assessment and results. Thus, all these must take place between the patient and the person delivering the health care service. Communication is thus a serious vital tool in this field and thus could be defined as a means by which a nurse establishes a relationship with the patient to help him acquire health behaviours. ActuallyShow MoreRelatedFamily Assessment, Gordon 11 health patterns1254 Words  | 6 Pages The Harris Family Assessment Dana Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V November 16, 2013 The Harris Family Assessment Health practices are activities performed by individuals or families as a whole to promote health and prevent disease. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Compare And Contrast Plato And Pluto - 1246 Words
Having heard the terms idealism and realism often throughout my life, I found it intriguing to learn where they originated. Pluto believed in idealism, which relates to the idea that if humans can set aside their unreliable senses and ally it to their reasoned intelligence they could get a glimpse of a perfect world. This perfect world entails unchanging truths, perfect beauty, and ultimately the Good. He envisioned only positive things, there was no negativity in his world. For example, there are no wars, no ugly people, no hate crimes, or things to be criticized because in this world, everything is perfect in their own unique way. Plato believed that there were three parts to an ideal society: a philosper-king who ruled wisely, militant†¦show more content†¦In my own personal life, I have begun to lean more on the realistic state of mind, due to some tough situations. However, by being more realistic about things, I believe that it has prepared me more for the things to co me. I think that if everyone chose to follow Plato’s way of thinking, then we would never be prepared the tough things in life, not just wars, but diseases, death in general, poor finances, or any other scenario that forces you to discover your inner strength. Although Plato’s intentions were good, and he would have rather seen the world in a more positive light, I don’t think he would have been able to handle the things that have happened today. Another example of realism, are those who have had to worry about racial or gender discrimination. Although it is nice to think that everyone will treat everyone fairly, regardless of age, skin color, or gender, not everyone is inclined to do so. There are many people today that have to be cautious with how they talk, dress, and act in their day to day life. Overall, both Pluto and Aristotle aspired to share their theories with the world. Although they were different from one another, there are some people who relate to each theory more so than the other. I think it is important that when trying to understand how other’s live their life, they try to see what their perspective is on life. Do they resonate more with Plato or with Aristotle? If I were to see things differently, I hope to do my best toShow MoreRelatedExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words  | 94 Pagesamp; Phenomenology * Existentialist Philosophers * ------------------------------------------------- Absurdism * The idea of the absurd is a common theme in many existentialist works, particularly in Camus. Absurdity is the notion of contrast between two things. As Camus explains it in The Myth of Sisyphus: * The absurd is born out of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world. * This view, which is shared by Sartre, is that humanity mustRead MoreA Pay Model and Defining Internal Alignment9320 Words  | 38 Pagesrefers to comparisons among jobs or skill levels inside a single organization. Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contributions to the organization’s business objectives. How, for example, does the work of the programmer compare with the work of the systems analyst, the software engineer, and the software architect? Does one contribute to providing solutions for customers and satisfying shareholders more than another? Think back to our friend from cats and the variety ofRead MoreA Pay Model and Defining Internal Alignment9320 Words  | 38 Pagesrefers to comparisons among jobs or skill levels inside a single organization. Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contributions to the organization’s business objectives. How, for example, does the work of th e programmer compare with the work of the systems analyst, the software engineer, and the software architect? Does one contribute to providing solutions for customers and satisfying shareholders more than another? Think back to our friend from cats and the variety of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Constitution Of The United States - 2266 Words
The Framers of the Constitution of the United States carefully considered every word written while composing a new document guiding the formation of the new land. While trying account for the long standing traditions of law from former homelands, they needed to take into account the practices they were familiar with paying respect to tradition of law excepting those they saw as oppressive by rule of Kings and Queens. Clearly expecting to effect change on our new soil while weighing and balancing power and authority. For the sake of debate, the framers could not have known the arguments so many years later but they did their very best to take into account the impact of the laws, restrictions, and parameters of the document. The Second†¦show more content†¦Washington himself addressed the need unequivocally in the first State of the Union address directly to the lawmakers of the land. The United States, a free society, bases its rule of law on the document written in this coun try in 1787, yet now in the 21st Century we are asking what exactly did the Framers mean when they wrote those specific, unambiguous and well defined words of the Second Amendment regarding citizens of this country and possession and control of guys by those citizens. These words are not open to interpretation and they are clearly written. Even James Madison underscored the right when he wrote in the Federalist Paper Number 46 that the people of the United States had â€Å"the advantage of being armed [sig] which they possess over the people of almost every other nation†(Harr, Hess, Orthman, Kinsgsbury, 2015). Many families and individuals plead for changes to the Second Amendment and no one, not one single individual with a moral consciousness could blame the victims of gun violence for asking for it to stop. Legally speaking, this however is not a moral debate but one of legal precedence. The
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflection of Weekly Lectures for Design Thinking- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theReflection of Weekly Lectures for Design Thinking. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of this report is to emphasize the facts that I have learnt in twelve weekly classes and present a critical analysis on the design it subject. I have thoroughly presented the outline of learning that I have gathered in the classes. Each paragraph in the following describes one or two weeks learning and my thoughts about the knowledge. Reflection: The very first class was like an introductory class in which I met with the professor, new friends and introduced to the topics that I was going to learn in next eleven weeks. Earlier I was unknown with the topics as it happens to everyone in a new class but after the professor introduces the topics my excitements started taking pace. All the topics were exciting and I was feeling enthusiastic to learn all those topics. The first class was about what we were about to do and professor was successful in accomplishing that and I was well aware with the grouping system, unit assessments, Moodle, reading material and rest of the things the lecturer was trying to teach us. My biggest strength was that I learnt what I have to do and I had already estimated my goals that were to represent my own design thinking innovation and problems in front of everyone. Next class was about the concepts related to the design processes that helped me in learning that design process is an approach that could be helpful for me in problem solving capability. The concept of the class was very familiar to me or everyone in the class that was human needs that helped me in gaining confidence of tackling the problems or obstacles that might rise in future related to the business. My biggest strength in this class was that I get to know about the categories in which the design process has been classified and that were ideate, empathize, define (the problem), test, prototype, etc. This lecture class helped me understanding how much design process can be beneficial for me in manner to jump over the obstacles that could be complex in nature or not defined properly, or it might be unknown and reach the goal that has been settled by me earlier. Followed by these two weeks there was the arrival of new topic design theory, which nothing but the theories and models related to the underlying practices that involved in the design thinking process. I learnt about the specific nature of the design thinking and how to implement those in the real life for reflecting my own entrepreneurial innovative thoughts and designer mindsets. The biggest strength for me in this class was that I learnt how to write a blog in a correct way and how to give my reflection of critical analysis and learning over the blogs that was created by me. After that class I believed in myself that I can also write the blog and reflection writing and I have tried to put everything into this reflection report that I have learned in that class. After a long awaited week I again got the opportunity to learn something new that was about Design problem in which we were appreciated to learn about the facts related to the problem findings. I had also learnt about the various tools that could be beneficial in collecting the data and information related to the problem finding such as brainstorming, visualization, and spotting the obvious. My biggest strength in this class was the brainstorming that in found to be the most emphasizing tool that can be helpful in finding the problems and give them a path to be solved by certain measures in better and easy manner. I am now able to find problems that might affect in the future approaches and looking forward to practice the brainstorming tool in the real world. This class also taught me how to work in a group and I learnt how to motivate the team. Fifth week was the most exciting class in which the lecturer taught us about the journey mapping, research analysis with respect to the competition in the market and mind mapping. Both of these activities were main strength for me in this class in which I learned about the process of analyzing the data and information related to the competitive company and compare within own innovative thoughts and ideas. Practical demonstration was very good as discussed by the lecturer however I tried match upto his level and draw an analysis report on the Samsung Company and learned how to research on any organization. Journey mapping was the crucial objective of this analysis and rest of the lectures in this class. I have learned that the main concept behind this class was establish my current practices or experiences, visualizing the experiences that might be possible and visualize the prototypes for the new idea. All the classes where little bit independent of each other but in the earlier this week was seemed to be dependent on the fifth week. However, this was again a new learning for me which I get to know about how to create the situations by using instances of prototype based on the situation that might arise as obstacle in future. I learnt how to discriminate between the criteria related to the business and thoughts of the customers while considering the facts from both the sides of the consumers and the service or product providers. Biggest strength for me in this class was to understand the various strategies that have been involved in the prototyping that can be listed as: story boarding, story depicting, encompassing and many others. Eighth class make me understanding the aspects of launch and the importance of processes related to the launch process. My biggest strength in this report was to understand the facts related to the unsuccessful launch and I am looking forward to not make such mistakes that could lead the launch to a failure. Brainstorming was again topic for this class that helped me indifferent way in understanding that how I can empower my innovative thoughts through considering the ideas presented by different individuals. It is very important for me to understand the importance of launch designing and launch defining for any project. Other positivity came into me when I learned about the knowledge of safe launch and related objectives that could make the launch successful. I also understand that the most important fact for a successful launch is hidden in limiting the boundaries for the launch. This week was very important for me in the field of marketing. This lecture introduces me the overview of the market and makes me capable of conceptualizing the facts related to the usage of personas in design thinking. The biggest strength that this class provided to me is the confidence that I can now present innovative ideas that could be helpful in tackle the competitive market and bring the organization at the top in the competitive market. Another fact that was considerable according to me was the fact that customers always tend to put emphasis on understanding particularly to the concept of data. As we were moving forward the class become more exciting and it added my excitement when the lecturer introduces the topic for the class design entrepreneurial fundraising campaigns. This lecture provides me the knowledge of approaches that could be implemented into the fundraising events from the angle of business, grant providers (donors), crowd-funding and many other facts. The biggest learning in this class for me was bootstrapping, which was a completely new subject for me that deals with the approaches to save money which could have same value as that of cash. Another important objective of this class was the segmentation of the market into different categories that are: psychographic, geographic, and demographic. In next two weeks I get to know about the facts related to designing myself that focuses on increasing my personality development through implementing the objective that I have been gathering from the earlier lectures. Looking backward activities was my biggest learning that I learnt from the class. Moving forward next week I learnt about the design o future in which the future aspects have been discussed by the lecturer. After these classes I am ready to implement these findings and learning in the real world. Conclusion: Based on the above reflection it can be concluded that I have reflected my learning and critical analysis of the knowledge that I have gained o these twelve weeks. Following is an action plan describing how I will implement these activities in next six months: Action Steps Responsibilities Timeline Resources Potential Barriers First step: Revising the lecture note thoroughly that I had created during the classes. Making stick notes carefully 90 days Bjgvinsson, E., Ehn, P., Hillgren, P. A. (2012). Design things and design thinking: Contemporary participatory design challenges.Design Issues,28(3), 101-116. It was a very vast chapter Second step: Collected different knowledge and data other than notes Surfing Web 30 days Meinel, C., Leifer, L. (2012). Design thinking research. InDesign Thinking Research(pp. 1-10). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. There were lots of content Third step: Learning the basic concepts about design thinking Comparing the internet contents and class notes 15 days Scheer, A., Noweski, C., Meinel, C. (2012). Transforming constructivist learning into action: Design thinking in education.Design and Technology Education: An International Journal,17(3). Little complex Fourth Step: Concluding the learnings Developing ideas 15 days Pourdehnad, J., Wexler, E. R., Wilson, D. V. (2012). Systems design thinking: A conceptual framework for their integration. ? ,4(6). Fifth step: Publishing blogs Writing a perfect blog 30 days Kimbell, L. (2011). Rethinking design thinking: Part I.Design and Culture,3(3), 285-306. Language was the concern Bibliography: Ambrose, G., Harris, P. (2016).Design Thinking: Coleo Design Bsico. Bookman Editora. Brjesson, S., Elmquist, M., Hooge, S. (2014). The challenges of innovation capability building: Learning from longitudinal studies of innovation efforts at Renault and Volvo Cars.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,31, 120-140. Carlgren, L. (2013).Design thinking as an enabler of innovation: Exploring the concept and its relation to building innovation capabilities. Chalmers University of Technology. Carlgren, L., Elmquist, M., Rauth, I. (2014). Design thinking: exploring values and effects from an innovation capability perspective.The Design Journal,17(3), 403-423. Carlgren, L., Elmquist, M., Rauth, I. (2016). The Challenges of Using Design Thinking in IndustryExperiences from Five Large Firms.Creativity and Innovation Management,25(3), 344-362. Dos, B., Demir, S. (2013). The analysis of the blogs created in a blended course through the reflective thinking perspective.Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice,13(2), 1335-1344. Hsu, Y. C., Ching, Y. H., Grabowski, B. L. (2014). Web 2.0 applications and practices for learning through collaboration. InHandbook of research on educational communications and technology(pp. 747-758). Springer New York. Johansson?Skldberg, U., Woodilla, J., etinkaya, M. (2013). Design thinking: past, present and possible futures.Creativity and Innovation Management,22(2), 121-146. Landoni, P., Dell'Era, C., Ferraloro, G., Peradotto, M., Karlsson, H., Verganti, R. (2016). Design Contribution to the Competitive Performance of SMEs: The Role of Design Innovation Capabilities.Creativity and Innovation Management,25(4), 484-499. Le Glatin, M., Le Masson, P., Weil, B. (2016, October). Measuring the generative power of an organisational routine with design theories: the case of design thinking in a large firm. In6th CIM Community Workshop-25th Anniversary of the Creativity and Innovation Management journal. Liedtka, J. (2015). Perspective: Linking design thinking with innovation outcomes through cognitive bias reduction.Journal of Product Innovation Management,32(6), 925-938. Mootee, I. (2013).Design thinking for strategic innovation: What they can't teach you at business or design school. John Wiley Sons. Muratovski, G. (2015). Paradigm shift: Report on the new role of design in business and society.She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation,1(2), 118-139. Noble, C. H., Durmusoglu, S. S. (2015).Design thinking: new product development essentials from the PDMA. John Wiley Sons. Norman, D. A., Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research vs. technology and meaning change.Design issues,30(1), 78-96. Noweski, C., Scheer, A., Bttner, N., von Thienen, J., Erdmann, J., Meinel, C. (2012). Towards a paradigm shift in education practice: Developing twenty-first century skills with design thinking. InDesign thinking research(pp. 71-94). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. O'Connor, E., McDonald, F., Ruggiero, M. (2014). Scaffolding complex learning: Integrating 21st century thinking, emerging technologies, and dynamic design and assessment to expand learning and communication opportunities.Journal of Educational Technology Systems,43(2), 199-226. Robert, G., Cornwell, J., Locock, L., Purushotham, A., Sturmey, G., Gager, M. (2015). Patients and staff as codesigners of healthcare services.Bmj,350, g7714. Roth, S., Schneckenberg, D., Tsai, C. W. (2015). The ludic drive as innovation driver: Introduction to the gamification of innovation.Creativity and Innovation Management,24(2), 300-306.
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