Thursday, August 27, 2020
Legal Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Lawful Questions - Essay Example In examination of the data the establishment of the FTDA, courts have battled for applying the standard for trademark weakening for the explanation that of the broad language utilized in the law. (Koo, 2004) Under these laws, at first the Home Specialists ought to consider conversing with the people answerable for TechEquip and The reality to contemplate upon is when Tech prepares enlisted as Homer. Com, the workplace didn't question them on the name. It is normal for individuals at Home Specialists to feel that the Tec prepare is utilizing their generosity some way or another. However, it doesn't generally fall into a legal dispute class. Both of the gatherings should get together in neighborly terms and attempt to persuade and educate each other of any anxieties on the off chance that they feel exist. In the event that for the situation that Home Specialists drag the last party to court. At that point they would need to demonstrate Tech Equip's. conscious endeavor to utilize their altruism. This would not be of any utilization. Supposing that the entire issue would have been offensive the individuals at the enlistment centers office would have examined the equivalent with Te c Equip. The entire case can be regarded as simply unimportant disarray under the FTDA Act. Ans 2) By Trade dress is actua... In any case, the truth of the matter is, that, there can be an example of disarray or simply unimportant an error. The exchange dress encroachment act involves an arrangement and space that these demonstrations be contemplated. Harms should just be granted if there should arise an occurrence of the event that Levec Inc, can demonstrate an intentional endeavor by Tarvainen to utilize their altruism. Just in the event that they are legitimized in their case should they get harms. It is very well conceivable that on account of Levec Inc not having the option to demonstrate anything; it may very well be viewed as an issue or a slip-up. The Protection in connection of a particular exchange dress is similar as the assurance and shield of trademarks. Exchange Dress Infringement Violation can happen inadvertently moreover. (Wiemelt, 2003-2006) Ans 3) the Law 'Follow up on the Protection of Personal Information' is the place this ought to be arranged. Article 1, the method of reasoning behind this Act is the defend and security of the social liberties just as their inclinations of people considering the way that the individual data can be valuable to different gatherings. Appropriate treatment of this individual data is a fundamental. Fundamentally all the articles in this demonstration involve the accompanying thought, that the individual data of people that are being utilized by certain business substances, by authorization is being utilized for business purposes. The legislature has the duty of ensuring that the business substance specifically should protect that information. The state rather is additionally answerable for shielding this information.According to this demonstration, if the business element intends to modify the element taking care of this individual data, their must be open notices of such a demonstration. Which means all ought to be educated. With
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Friday Factoid Continuous Faculty Improvement at HBS
Blog Archive Friday Factoid Continuous Faculty Improvement at HBS Harvard Business School (HBS) is well known for using the case method, through which virtually all of the schools classes are taught. Rather than rest on its laurels with regard to teaching the case method, HBS faculty members work hard to stay at the top of their respective games. In addition to the school’s tradition of faculty-to-faculty mentoring, in 2004, HBS established the C. Roland Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning (named for the late HBS professor) to promote and support teaching excellence and innovation. The center conducts research on pedagogical innovation and teaching effectiveness related to gender and diversity issues, and helps faculty members refine their teaching styles and techniques. The center also offers professors classroom observations and the opportunity to do pre-class planning, receive within-term troubleshooting/post-term reflection and conduct case and course development. For more information on Harvard Business School or 13 other leading MBA programs, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet Friday Factoids Harvard University (Harvard Business School)
Monday, May 25, 2020
Personal Statement On Health Assessment Essay - 1064 Words
INTRODUCTION We had 12 modules (each with 3 MCQS) from block –1 (Health assessment). I wil be identifying 10 concepts from them and thoroughly scrutinize how they would apply to my personal life and other contextual settings such as social context, coupled with current related researches on these concept. However, their applications to my current work place (Havana specialist Hospital, Surulere, and Lagos, Nigeria) and their usefulness to the current world will also be discussed. The concepts are as follows: Communication in Health Assessment (Module1), Management planning in Nursing Process (Module 3), leadership and leadership style, Data collection in health assessment , nutritional assessment, vital signs, Depression and its assessment, substance abuse assessment and lastly assessing skin diseases: Skin cancer. 1. Communication in health assessment According to Wikipedia, Health Assessment is a plan of care that identifies the specific needs of a person and how those needs will be addressed by the health care system or skilled nursing facility. It involves physical assessment, nutritional assessment, self care assessment, mental assessment and results. Thus, all these must take place between the patient and the person delivering the health care service. Communication is thus a serious vital tool in this field and thus could be defined as a means by which a nurse establishes a relationship with the patient to help him acquire health behaviours. ActuallyShow MoreRelatedFamily Assessment, Gordon 11 health patterns1254 Words  | 6 Pages The Harris Family Assessment Dana Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V November 16, 2013 The Harris Family Assessment Health practices are activities performed by individuals or families as a whole to promote health and prevent disease. Health practices vary from family to family and nurses play a pivotal role in promoting health for the family. Families identify and perform health-maintenance activities based on their perceptions about their health because their choicesRead MoreNursing Case And Care Plan Essay1447 Words  | 6 Pagesward since he could not be discharged home. The palliative assessment of Smith would require the development of a suitable nursing care plan that would help deal with the condition. The nursing plan requires an understanding of the patient’s social history, medical history, physical assessment upon admission, and palliative care unit admission assessment. PART A: Nursing Case 1. Could Mr. Smith’s culture influence his pain assessment? Why? 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B2 Conduct appropriate research and analysis relating to engineering* problems AMICE* MICE IEng MICE For example: Apply and know the limitations of established best practice as defined by codes, standards and specifications. Links to contract conditions. Feasibility assessments, surveys and costing. Risk analysis. Present solutions and secure acceptance. Consider Health, Safety and Welfare, qualityRead MoreThe Health And Safety Plan For The Decommissioning Of Existing Plant Equipment1348 Words  | 6 Pages1. The Health and Safety Plan for the decommissioning of existing plant equipment and installation of new plant equipment. Principal Contractor Principal Designer Client CDM Standards and Objectives for the Project Safety Standards and Objectives for the Project The Principal Contractor Site Safety Policy Statement 2. 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Callista Roy uses a theory that promotes adaptation to the stimuli a person may encounter. Betty Neuman uses a theory that promotes equilibrium in a time where a person will encounter stress. These theories allow the nurse to bring a knowledge to learn more about the person and the factors that influence their health . Although with any theory there are different approaches in how the nursingRead MoreThe Ethics Of Ethics For Healthcare Quality Professionals1272 Words  | 6 PagesEthical Self-Assessment Paper Jennifer M. Press HCS/545 September 15, 2014 Dr. Ruth Bundy Ethical Self-Assessment Ethical behavior is virtuous and beneficial for business in any type of organization. In healthcare, the outcomes are improved patient care, dedicated staff and healthcare providers, and amplified market share. It obliges leaders, managers, directors, and supervisors to have a comprehensive interpretation of the role of ethical decision making (Winkler, 2005). Ethical health care organizations
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Compare And Contrast Plato And Pluto - 1246 Words
Having heard the terms idealism and realism often throughout my life, I found it intriguing to learn where they originated. Pluto believed in idealism, which relates to the idea that if humans can set aside their unreliable senses and ally it to their reasoned intelligence they could get a glimpse of a perfect world. This perfect world entails unchanging truths, perfect beauty, and ultimately the Good. He envisioned only positive things, there was no negativity in his world. For example, there are no wars, no ugly people, no hate crimes, or things to be criticized because in this world, everything is perfect in their own unique way. Plato believed that there were three parts to an ideal society: a philosper-king who ruled wisely, militant†¦show more content†¦In my own personal life, I have begun to lean more on the realistic state of mind, due to some tough situations. However, by being more realistic about things, I believe that it has prepared me more for the things to co me. I think that if everyone chose to follow Plato’s way of thinking, then we would never be prepared the tough things in life, not just wars, but diseases, death in general, poor finances, or any other scenario that forces you to discover your inner strength. Although Plato’s intentions were good, and he would have rather seen the world in a more positive light, I don’t think he would have been able to handle the things that have happened today. Another example of realism, are those who have had to worry about racial or gender discrimination. Although it is nice to think that everyone will treat everyone fairly, regardless of age, skin color, or gender, not everyone is inclined to do so. There are many people today that have to be cautious with how they talk, dress, and act in their day to day life. Overall, both Pluto and Aristotle aspired to share their theories with the world. Although they were different from one another, there are some people who relate to each theory more so than the other. I think it is important that when trying to understand how other’s live their life, they try to see what their perspective is on life. Do they resonate more with Plato or with Aristotle? If I were to see things differently, I hope to do my best toShow MoreRelatedExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words  | 94 Pagesamp; Phenomenology * Existentialist Philosophers * ------------------------------------------------- Absurdism * The idea of the absurd is a common theme in many existentialist works, particularly in Camus. Absurdity is the notion of contrast between two things. As Camus explains it in The Myth of Sisyphus: * The absurd is born out of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world. * This view, which is shared by Sartre, is that humanity mustRead MoreA Pay Model and Defining Internal Alignment9320 Words  | 38 Pagesrefers to comparisons among jobs or skill levels inside a single organization. Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contributions to the organization’s business objectives. How, for example, does the work of the programmer compare with the work of the systems analyst, the software engineer, and the software architect? Does one contribute to providing solutions for customers and satisfying shareholders more than another? Think back to our friend from cats and the variety ofRead MoreA Pay Model and Defining Internal Alignment9320 Words  | 38 Pagesrefers to comparisons among jobs or skill levels inside a single organization. Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contributions to the organization’s business objectives. How, for example, does the work of th e programmer compare with the work of the systems analyst, the software engineer, and the software architect? Does one contribute to providing solutions for customers and satisfying shareholders more than another? Think back to our friend from cats and the variety of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Constitution Of The United States - 2266 Words
The Framers of the Constitution of the United States carefully considered every word written while composing a new document guiding the formation of the new land. While trying account for the long standing traditions of law from former homelands, they needed to take into account the practices they were familiar with paying respect to tradition of law excepting those they saw as oppressive by rule of Kings and Queens. Clearly expecting to effect change on our new soil while weighing and balancing power and authority. For the sake of debate, the framers could not have known the arguments so many years later but they did their very best to take into account the impact of the laws, restrictions, and parameters of the document. The Second†¦show more content†¦Washington himself addressed the need unequivocally in the first State of the Union address directly to the lawmakers of the land. The United States, a free society, bases its rule of law on the document written in this coun try in 1787, yet now in the 21st Century we are asking what exactly did the Framers mean when they wrote those specific, unambiguous and well defined words of the Second Amendment regarding citizens of this country and possession and control of guys by those citizens. These words are not open to interpretation and they are clearly written. Even James Madison underscored the right when he wrote in the Federalist Paper Number 46 that the people of the United States had â€Å"the advantage of being armed [sig] which they possess over the people of almost every other nation†(Harr, Hess, Orthman, Kinsgsbury, 2015). Many families and individuals plead for changes to the Second Amendment and no one, not one single individual with a moral consciousness could blame the victims of gun violence for asking for it to stop. Legally speaking, this however is not a moral debate but one of legal precedence. The
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflection of Weekly Lectures for Design Thinking- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theReflection of Weekly Lectures for Design Thinking. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of this report is to emphasize the facts that I have learnt in twelve weekly classes and present a critical analysis on the design it subject. I have thoroughly presented the outline of learning that I have gathered in the classes. Each paragraph in the following describes one or two weeks learning and my thoughts about the knowledge. Reflection: The very first class was like an introductory class in which I met with the professor, new friends and introduced to the topics that I was going to learn in next eleven weeks. Earlier I was unknown with the topics as it happens to everyone in a new class but after the professor introduces the topics my excitements started taking pace. All the topics were exciting and I was feeling enthusiastic to learn all those topics. The first class was about what we were about to do and professor was successful in accomplishing that and I was well aware with the grouping system, unit assessments, Moodle, reading material and rest of the things the lecturer was trying to teach us. My biggest strength was that I learnt what I have to do and I had already estimated my goals that were to represent my own design thinking innovation and problems in front of everyone. Next class was about the concepts related to the design processes that helped me in learning that design process is an approach that could be helpful for me in problem solving capability. The concept of the class was very familiar to me or everyone in the class that was human needs that helped me in gaining confidence of tackling the problems or obstacles that might rise in future related to the business. My biggest strength in this class was that I get to know about the categories in which the design process has been classified and that were ideate, empathize, define (the problem), test, prototype, etc. This lecture class helped me understanding how much design process can be beneficial for me in manner to jump over the obstacles that could be complex in nature or not defined properly, or it might be unknown and reach the goal that has been settled by me earlier. Followed by these two weeks there was the arrival of new topic design theory, which nothing but the theories and models related to the underlying practices that involved in the design thinking process. I learnt about the specific nature of the design thinking and how to implement those in the real life for reflecting my own entrepreneurial innovative thoughts and designer mindsets. The biggest strength for me in this class was that I learnt how to write a blog in a correct way and how to give my reflection of critical analysis and learning over the blogs that was created by me. After that class I believed in myself that I can also write the blog and reflection writing and I have tried to put everything into this reflection report that I have learned in that class. After a long awaited week I again got the opportunity to learn something new that was about Design problem in which we were appreciated to learn about the facts related to the problem findings. I had also learnt about the various tools that could be beneficial in collecting the data and information related to the problem finding such as brainstorming, visualization, and spotting the obvious. My biggest strength in this class was the brainstorming that in found to be the most emphasizing tool that can be helpful in finding the problems and give them a path to be solved by certain measures in better and easy manner. I am now able to find problems that might affect in the future approaches and looking forward to practice the brainstorming tool in the real world. This class also taught me how to work in a group and I learnt how to motivate the team. Fifth week was the most exciting class in which the lecturer taught us about the journey mapping, research analysis with respect to the competition in the market and mind mapping. Both of these activities were main strength for me in this class in which I learned about the process of analyzing the data and information related to the competitive company and compare within own innovative thoughts and ideas. Practical demonstration was very good as discussed by the lecturer however I tried match upto his level and draw an analysis report on the Samsung Company and learned how to research on any organization. Journey mapping was the crucial objective of this analysis and rest of the lectures in this class. I have learned that the main concept behind this class was establish my current practices or experiences, visualizing the experiences that might be possible and visualize the prototypes for the new idea. All the classes where little bit independent of each other but in the earlier this week was seemed to be dependent on the fifth week. However, this was again a new learning for me which I get to know about how to create the situations by using instances of prototype based on the situation that might arise as obstacle in future. I learnt how to discriminate between the criteria related to the business and thoughts of the customers while considering the facts from both the sides of the consumers and the service or product providers. Biggest strength for me in this class was to understand the various strategies that have been involved in the prototyping that can be listed as: story boarding, story depicting, encompassing and many others. Eighth class make me understanding the aspects of launch and the importance of processes related to the launch process. My biggest strength in this report was to understand the facts related to the unsuccessful launch and I am looking forward to not make such mistakes that could lead the launch to a failure. Brainstorming was again topic for this class that helped me indifferent way in understanding that how I can empower my innovative thoughts through considering the ideas presented by different individuals. It is very important for me to understand the importance of launch designing and launch defining for any project. Other positivity came into me when I learned about the knowledge of safe launch and related objectives that could make the launch successful. I also understand that the most important fact for a successful launch is hidden in limiting the boundaries for the launch. This week was very important for me in the field of marketing. This lecture introduces me the overview of the market and makes me capable of conceptualizing the facts related to the usage of personas in design thinking. The biggest strength that this class provided to me is the confidence that I can now present innovative ideas that could be helpful in tackle the competitive market and bring the organization at the top in the competitive market. Another fact that was considerable according to me was the fact that customers always tend to put emphasis on understanding particularly to the concept of data. As we were moving forward the class become more exciting and it added my excitement when the lecturer introduces the topic for the class design entrepreneurial fundraising campaigns. This lecture provides me the knowledge of approaches that could be implemented into the fundraising events from the angle of business, grant providers (donors), crowd-funding and many other facts. The biggest learning in this class for me was bootstrapping, which was a completely new subject for me that deals with the approaches to save money which could have same value as that of cash. Another important objective of this class was the segmentation of the market into different categories that are: psychographic, geographic, and demographic. In next two weeks I get to know about the facts related to designing myself that focuses on increasing my personality development through implementing the objective that I have been gathering from the earlier lectures. Looking backward activities was my biggest learning that I learnt from the class. Moving forward next week I learnt about the design o future in which the future aspects have been discussed by the lecturer. After these classes I am ready to implement these findings and learning in the real world. Conclusion: Based on the above reflection it can be concluded that I have reflected my learning and critical analysis of the knowledge that I have gained o these twelve weeks. Following is an action plan describing how I will implement these activities in next six months: Action Steps Responsibilities Timeline Resources Potential Barriers First step: Revising the lecture note thoroughly that I had created during the classes. Making stick notes carefully 90 days Bjgvinsson, E., Ehn, P., Hillgren, P. A. (2012). Design things and design thinking: Contemporary participatory design challenges.Design Issues,28(3), 101-116. It was a very vast chapter Second step: Collected different knowledge and data other than notes Surfing Web 30 days Meinel, C., Leifer, L. (2012). Design thinking research. InDesign Thinking Research(pp. 1-10). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. There were lots of content Third step: Learning the basic concepts about design thinking Comparing the internet contents and class notes 15 days Scheer, A., Noweski, C., Meinel, C. (2012). Transforming constructivist learning into action: Design thinking in education.Design and Technology Education: An International Journal,17(3). Little complex Fourth Step: Concluding the learnings Developing ideas 15 days Pourdehnad, J., Wexler, E. R., Wilson, D. V. (2012). Systems design thinking: A conceptual framework for their integration. ? ,4(6). Fifth step: Publishing blogs Writing a perfect blog 30 days Kimbell, L. (2011). Rethinking design thinking: Part I.Design and Culture,3(3), 285-306. Language was the concern Bibliography: Ambrose, G., Harris, P. (2016).Design Thinking: Coleo Design Bsico. Bookman Editora. Brjesson, S., Elmquist, M., Hooge, S. (2014). The challenges of innovation capability building: Learning from longitudinal studies of innovation efforts at Renault and Volvo Cars.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,31, 120-140. Carlgren, L. (2013).Design thinking as an enabler of innovation: Exploring the concept and its relation to building innovation capabilities. Chalmers University of Technology. Carlgren, L., Elmquist, M., Rauth, I. (2014). Design thinking: exploring values and effects from an innovation capability perspective.The Design Journal,17(3), 403-423. Carlgren, L., Elmquist, M., Rauth, I. (2016). The Challenges of Using Design Thinking in IndustryExperiences from Five Large Firms.Creativity and Innovation Management,25(3), 344-362. Dos, B., Demir, S. (2013). The analysis of the blogs created in a blended course through the reflective thinking perspective.Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice,13(2), 1335-1344. Hsu, Y. C., Ching, Y. H., Grabowski, B. L. (2014). Web 2.0 applications and practices for learning through collaboration. InHandbook of research on educational communications and technology(pp. 747-758). Springer New York. Johansson?Skldberg, U., Woodilla, J., etinkaya, M. (2013). Design thinking: past, present and possible futures.Creativity and Innovation Management,22(2), 121-146. Landoni, P., Dell'Era, C., Ferraloro, G., Peradotto, M., Karlsson, H., Verganti, R. (2016). Design Contribution to the Competitive Performance of SMEs: The Role of Design Innovation Capabilities.Creativity and Innovation Management,25(4), 484-499. Le Glatin, M., Le Masson, P., Weil, B. (2016, October). Measuring the generative power of an organisational routine with design theories: the case of design thinking in a large firm. In6th CIM Community Workshop-25th Anniversary of the Creativity and Innovation Management journal. Liedtka, J. (2015). Perspective: Linking design thinking with innovation outcomes through cognitive bias reduction.Journal of Product Innovation Management,32(6), 925-938. Mootee, I. (2013).Design thinking for strategic innovation: What they can't teach you at business or design school. John Wiley Sons. Muratovski, G. (2015). Paradigm shift: Report on the new role of design in business and society.She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation,1(2), 118-139. Noble, C. H., Durmusoglu, S. S. (2015).Design thinking: new product development essentials from the PDMA. John Wiley Sons. Norman, D. A., Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research vs. technology and meaning change.Design issues,30(1), 78-96. Noweski, C., Scheer, A., Bttner, N., von Thienen, J., Erdmann, J., Meinel, C. (2012). Towards a paradigm shift in education practice: Developing twenty-first century skills with design thinking. InDesign thinking research(pp. 71-94). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. O'Connor, E., McDonald, F., Ruggiero, M. (2014). Scaffolding complex learning: Integrating 21st century thinking, emerging technologies, and dynamic design and assessment to expand learning and communication opportunities.Journal of Educational Technology Systems,43(2), 199-226. Robert, G., Cornwell, J., Locock, L., Purushotham, A., Sturmey, G., Gager, M. (2015). Patients and staff as codesigners of healthcare services.Bmj,350, g7714. Roth, S., Schneckenberg, D., Tsai, C. W. (2015). The ludic drive as innovation driver: Introduction to the gamification of innovation.Creativity and Innovation Management,24(2), 300-306.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Tips and Tricks on How to Best Prepare for the MCAT
MCAT studying is a whole different ball game. For starters, unlike class exams or standardized tests administered just a few times a year, you decide when to take the MCAT. Being able to manage your own schedule means it’s important to create a structure around the exam, be disciplined in your studying, and make sure youre 100% ready when the date rolls around. Claire tells us that at first she did not have a designated study period, and that was not a good approach. â€Å"I assumed that I would take the test when I was ready,†says Claire. â€Å"This was a terrible plan as I continued to procrastinate. Once I created a timeline of 4 months, I was able to really focus and get good work done.†Taking courses vs. studying on your own â€Å"I took an in person course, which actually was NOT a good use of my money. The teacher did teach us some strategies, but I did not find it as helpful as I was hoping. I wish that we would have learned more content and ways to remember all of the information. I mainly read the books, watched online lectures, and did question bank type activities, which were very helpful.†Qbanks, qbanks, qbanks!! According to Claire, reading the books and taking light notes while attending/watching lectures lays a great foundation to cover all of the material on the exam. Claire claims that creating a good foundation is a good start, but that qbanks are really where is at. â€Å"Once I had a foundation, I used qbanks a lot. Qbanks are great!†Divide and conquer Organization is key when studying for an exam that covers so much material. According to Claire, Kaplan says that students only need to know about 60% of the material, but Claire still felt compelled to learn all of it, which can be overwhelming. â€Å"Trying to cover everything is incredibly challenging,†says Claire. â€Å"Luckily, I had Cram Fighter to help space out the time.I tried to study each subject for about 2-3 days and then switch to a new subject.†Take breaks As dedicated and focus to the MCAT as Claire was, she also acknowledged that taking breaks was important for her mental and emotional states. Claire chose Friday as her MCAT free day. Don’t be hard on yourself Studying for the MCAT can be awfully stressful, and at times, you are your worst enemy. Remember that if you do your best in preparing, you will do well. The MCAT measures how much you’ve studied for the MCAT, so if you know you have, you will do just fine. Beating yourself up has never helped anyone. Have a realistic approach According to Claire, â€Å"studying for this exam is a full time job and it is really difficult to work/go to school and study. There is a lot of information that needs to be covered and you will not be able to learn it all. Try to know the hot topics extremely well, and have a surface level understanding of the rest.â€
Monday, March 9, 2020
Free Essays on Machiavelllis The Prince
Fear vs. Love (in Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince) The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is the book that was based on examples of princes and other rulers of Spain, Italy, and other European countries at the time of Renaissance. It is a very interesting work that describes quite a few concepts on how to be a great ruler. To be a great ruler one must in a first place be a good person and according to Machiavelli to be a good person one should have these five qualities: compassion, honor, humanity, integrity, and religion. However, the following question arises, if a prince possesses all those fine qualities that make him a good person how can he be a great ruler who must be mortal and cruel, and according to Machiavelli, â€Å"†¦ no prince should mind being called cruel for what he does to keep his subjects united and loyal.†To help to answer this question I will look at the following passage: "In actual fact, a prince may not have all the admirable qualities listed above, but it is very necessary that he should seem to have them. Indeed, I will venture to say that when you have them and exercise them all the time, they are harmful to you; when you just seem to have them, they are useful. It is good to appear merciful, truthful, humane, sincere, and religious; it is good to be so in reality. But you must keep your mind so disposed that, in case of need, you can turn to the exact contrary." Machiavelly, in the first sentence of this passage shows how important it is for a prince not to have all those qualities that make him a great person but rather to seem like he has them. If prince was to have all those qualities that make him a good person he could not be a great ruler because a great ruler can not be merciful, human, sincere, etc†¦there as he must be cruel, tough, strong as a â€Å"Lion†, and unwilling to stop in front of any barriers that arise on his way of fulfilling his goal and the right to be called ... Free Essays on Machiavellli's The Prince Free Essays on Machiavellli's The Prince Fear vs. Love (in Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince) The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is the book that was based on examples of princes and other rulers of Spain, Italy, and other European countries at the time of Renaissance. It is a very interesting work that describes quite a few concepts on how to be a great ruler. To be a great ruler one must in a first place be a good person and according to Machiavelli to be a good person one should have these five qualities: compassion, honor, humanity, integrity, and religion. However, the following question arises, if a prince possesses all those fine qualities that make him a good person how can he be a great ruler who must be mortal and cruel, and according to Machiavelli, â€Å"†¦ no prince should mind being called cruel for what he does to keep his subjects united and loyal.†To help to answer this question I will look at the following passage: "In actual fact, a prince may not have all the admirable qualities listed above, but it is very necessary that he should seem to have them. Indeed, I will venture to say that when you have them and exercise them all the time, they are harmful to you; when you just seem to have them, they are useful. It is good to appear merciful, truthful, humane, sincere, and religious; it is good to be so in reality. But you must keep your mind so disposed that, in case of need, you can turn to the exact contrary." Machiavelly, in the first sentence of this passage shows how important it is for a prince not to have all those qualities that make him a great person but rather to seem like he has them. If prince was to have all those qualities that make him a good person he could not be a great ruler because a great ruler can not be merciful, human, sincere, etc†¦there as he must be cruel, tough, strong as a â€Å"Lion†, and unwilling to stop in front of any barriers that arise on his way of fulfilling his goal and the right to be called ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Acquisition strategies in the plastic pipes industry - the case of Dissertation
Acquisition strategies in the plastic pipes industry - the case of Wavin Group - Dissertation Example One of the most important challenges for modern organizations has been the identification of the strategies that can help towards the stabilization of the organizational performance – either in the short or the long firm. Acquisitions have been proved an effective strategic tool for the support of a firm’s position in its market. However, the success of acquisitions is not always guaranteed; there is always the risk of failures especially if the relevant plans are not well designed or in case they are not effectively executed. For this reason, it would be wise for strategic managers to use acquisitions along with other strategic options in order to secure the stabilization (at a first level) and the growth of a particular organization. An indicative example of such methodology is the strategic framework used by AXA (Consultancy Firm) when handling the re-structuring of PWPipe – a leading firm in the plastic pipes industry of USA; in the case of PWPipe the consult ants of AXA decided to implement primarily a series of strategies for supporting the firm’s existing operations – this was mainly achieved through the update of the firm’s IT systems; at the next level, acquisitions were used in order to stabilize the firm’s growth (AMX International, 2011). The proposed study focuses on the use of acquisitions as strategic option by firms in the plastic pipes industry; reference is particularly made to Wavin Group, a key player in the global plastic pipes industry.... h firm, aiming to increase its influence within the global market (Builders Merchant Journal, 2007, Wavin Labko, 2008); in 2010, the expansion of the firm was continued through the acquisition of the Swedish firm KWH Pipe (European Plastic News, 2010). It is made clear that acquisitions has been extensively used by Wavin Group in order to improve its position in the global market; in accordance with ‘Michael Del Pero - vice president in FocalPoint Partners LLC - a lot of plastics M&A announcements were expected in the second half of 2010 because of the tax changes in USA’ (Esposito, 2010). However, in the case of Wavin, the tax rules cannot be considered as the only criterion for choosing acquisitions as a key strategic option – taking into consideration the firm’s relevant activities in the last decade, as explained above. In any case, the plastic pipes industry is a prominent market sector; in fact, in accordance with a relevant report, the specific indus try is expected ‘to advance at the fastest pace up to 2014’ (Bombourg, 2010). The identification of the potentials of acquisitions to support the further growth of the particular industry would be particularly important indicating the potential value of the specific strategic option for firms operating in other industries – which face severe pressures due to the expansion of the globalization and the recession. C. Literature Review The use of acquisitions as a strategy for achieving a continuous growth or for facing the strong market pressures has become a common phenomenon the last three decades (Hitt et al. 2009, 183). In practice, acquisitions can be described as ‘the use of cash outflows for purchasing the net assets or property plant, and equipment of the acquired business’ (Tortiorello 2008,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Social capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social capital - Essay Example 42) and intricacy and complexity associated with the word has not been reduced since then. But William Sewell (2008, p. 42) goes on to explain that culture is that part of the social life that needs to be separated from the actual human existence constituting economics, biology or politics. The concept culture has itself intrigued our lives and is the most crucial component of human existence yet its constituting elements are different for the people living in the different areas of the world. We are all identified and recognized by our culture we have adopted while living in our own family, society and even our country. Mathew Arnold, the nineteenth century poet and essayist, used the term culture to speak about as model of individual human refinement as he opined that culture means, â€Å"the best that has been thought and said in the world†(1999, p. 190). This conceptual analysis of this culture is quite similar to the German concept of the term bildung (Arnold 1999, p. 19 0). In other words it is an attempt to achieve total precision and a way of knowing others on the matters which are of deep concern to us. Yet the word itself is shrouded in the most debacle position as different propounders, anthropologists and even socialists are explaining the term in different contexts. They go on to the extent of explaining culture as a part of a science as it is associated with the human evolution, while others suggest that it germinates in the minds of the individuals who are more and more linked to their ancestral roots. Cultural socialists felt the necessity to show that culture has an impact on the upbringing of the children and to gain their identity and recognition in the society. This allowed many to formulate the culture as assortment of different items whose impact on the behavior can be scrupulously compared to that of standard sociological variables like class, gender, ethnicity, economic interest and level of education (Sewell 2008, p. 45). It was thus assumed that culture as a system of symbols and meanings defined by Weberian, Parsonian and Durkheimian as ambiguous rather metaphorically it’s a collection of tools understood as a way of carrying out combined activities in the society (Sewell 2008, p. 45). In the United Kingdom, Stuart Hall, Raymond Williams and other scholars as well as sociologists greatly influenced by Marxism formed cultural studies, and connected the culture with consumer goods and services and leisure activities like music, film, art, food, sports etc. It is the various means of production that determine the class relations and how the goods and services are consumed by the large number of people. The term â€Å"cultural studies†was first coined in 1964 by Richard Hoggart when Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies was founded by him in Birmingham. Since then it has been associated with Stuart Hall as he became the next director after Hoggart (Munt 2000, p.4). In United States of Americ a, the terms culture and cultural studies connote the study of the popular culture (Munt 2000, p. 6), in other words, it is the way people feel themselves associated and share voices and ideas and about the things we make use of in the daily life. Today what constitutes culture is the way we live, eat, wear, behave in the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Environment Analyses That Will Impact Burger King Marketing Essay
Environment Analyses That Will Impact Burger King Marketing Essay This research market proposal is for Burger King for their marketing strategies to launch their new cafe in competition with McCafe of McDonalds. This report is an in depth analysis of its Internal and the External Environment that will influence Burger Kings success and fail. Burger King is well known thought-out to be a major fast food chains in the world. This proposal explores the three key environment analyses that will impact Burger King: External-Environment Internal Environment The overall report is about PESTEL, Porters 5 Forces model, and SWOT analysis. These current strategies will determine the competitive and how successful Burger King is in the market before launching a new cafe and take into account the ,market analysis and situation. Introduction Burger King is a global chain fast food restaurant which was founded in 1955 in United Sates in Florida owned by David Edgerton and James McLamore. By the year 2011, 12,400 outlets were opened by Burger King in 73 countries including New Zealand. Since its opening in 1955 the menu for the Burger King has evolved from basic offering of French fries, sodas, milkshakes, and burgers to more diverse and lager set of products. Between 2002 and 2010, Burger King targeted large products that carried large amounts of unhealthy fats to 18-34 male demographic. In 2011 Burger King moved away from male oriented menu to new menu items with packing and product reformulations (The Free Encyclopedia, 2012). Burger Kings franchise is one of the means of expanding its operation. Burger King acts as a franchisor laying down precisely procedures and rules for other franchisee to follow. To achieve volume growth Burger King associated itself with multinational expansion for a large saturated market place (Made Easy). Burger King is ranked second next to McDonalds in terms of size and number of stores but their brand name is the most widely-recognized brands in the world which sets them apart from their competitor. Burgers Kings innovative and more food menu choices help them to be competitive in the market and maintain the customer it has. The main menu Burger King has is French Fries, cheeseburgers, and chicken and fish sandwiches, breakfast items, hamburger, onions rings, soft drinks, salads, desserts and etc. (Made Easy). Political and Legal Issues In New Zealand to conduct a market research first we will have to become a member of the Market and Research Social Research Society (MRSRS) which is a professional organization for any researcher who is interested in conducting a market research. This agency has set of regulations of professional behavior to abide by. There are policy act and principles that will have to follow when collecting, storing, and using and disclosing personal information (MRSNZ 2012). The political and legal forces that will affect the Burger King for their marketing strategies will be the monetary and fiscal policies of the government where interest rates, tax legislation affecting the marketing system, a good example will be GST (Rix, 2004, p. 48) . Other legal laws that will affect the Burger King will be Fair Trading Act 1986 in this act, if an employee makes a misrepresentation or misleading claim about the product, such a claim would be deemed to breach the act (Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2012). For Burger king to open up a cafe in their restaurant they will have to comply with Food Act 1981 rules and regulations like food safety regulations and, food fees charges regulation (Ministry For Primary Industries, 2012). The privacy act 1993 will requires Burger King to advice their customers of the intended purpose of information held about them after the market survey. These acts promote and protect individuals information privacy who will take part in the marketing survey and research (Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2012). Ethical Issues Ethics is basally the moral conduct of the business what is right or wrong. Ethics for Burger King will be the corporate social responsibility of towards society and commit itself in the code to encourage diversity among employees, franchisers, business sources, community involvement and sponsorships and prevent discrimination within the company. Other ethical issues Burger King will face will be: Promoting ethical culture that values and respects all people Acting with honesty and integrity ethical standards which encourage compliance with all laws and company policies. Providing sponsorships, supporting local sporting teams, and helping young disable people in need. Ethics like refraining from using company position, information, and property for personal gain. Providing fair, timely, and full reasonable disclosures in the financial report with compliance to the law. Holding itself responsible and accountable for the action it takes (Corporate Responsibility 2012) Burger King will also have to consider about giving employment to disable people and also providing a car park space for them. Social Cultural Issues Burger King will have to consider the beliefs, social values, lifestyles, behavior and buying preferences of the people. New Zealand has many different races with different cultural, norms and values determine what is acceptable and what is not. When assessing the food requirements of a particular cultural or ethnic group Burger King will have to know the food requirement for each ethnic group. For example people with Hindu back group are mostly vegetarian so they will need products from Burger King that does not contain animal fat, eggs, or meat. As for Muslim community they will only eat halal certified foods so Burger King will have to consider these factors before opening up the cafà ©. Burger King will also have to consider about people who put emphasis on quality of life rather than the quantity of goods. Some buys will look for safety, durability, and value in the foodstuffs they buy. Some buys will desire for more physical goods in the belief that these will lead to greater levels of overall satisfaction and happiness for example more environmentally friendly products and introduction of recyclable packaging (Rix, 2004, p. 44). Burger King will also have to take in to the account the trends of male and female member within the household, especially about their purchasing power and decisions. Each gender will have different taste that will influence their buying (Rix, 2004, p. 44). SWOT Analysis For Burger Kings new Cafà © I will have to use Porters 5 forces model, SWOT and PESTEL Analysis to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of launching the new cafà ©. This situation analysis will summarize the Burger Kings current situation and will scan the external environment for strengths and weaknesses and environmental opportunities and threats. Strengths are business capabilities, competitive advantages and competencies. Weaknesses are business limitation. Opportunities are environmental trends to which business plan can be matched. Threats are environmental changes that would affect business operations or direction. Environmental analysis is very important in planning process as it enables us to collect the necessary information to assist management in decision making process. (Rix, 2004, p. 428) SWOT Analysis is a tool that Burger King can use to identify their internal strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats, and then develop strategies to deal with their situation (Rix, 2004, p. 428) (S) Strengths of Burger King will be the customer loyalty, market share, organizational efficiency, and product. Burger King is the second largest fast food hamburger restaurant in the world. Burger King has a strong brand equity when talked about wide selection of menu items, fast and efficient service, and innovative products. All this strong brand equity will favor and will help Burger King in their opening of the new Cafe and they also will get good customer loyalty. (Made Easy, 2012). (W) Weaknesses of Burger King over the years that contributed to its decline were its weak marketing campaigns. If Burger King has weak marketing campaigns then they will not able to communicate with their customers. Another weaknesses Burger King will face is the heavily relies on franchisee rather than corporately owned stores. Each franchise will try to sell and promote their product for customer loyalty and this can be a major drawback for Burger King in launches their new cafe (Made Easy, 2012). (O) Opportunities for Burger King will be their expansion strategy for new product development, particularly around breakfast in their new cafà ©. Burger King can set example for other franchise on how a cafà © should be operated. Opportunity like edifice its brand though advertisement campaign and expansion into up-and-coming markets can improve financial aspects of the business. (Made Easy, 2012). (T) Threats one of the biggest threats Burger King will face will be from McCafe of McDonalds which is the largest fast food chain restaurants. The competition among within these two companies will be characterized by price wars for the market share. This will make Burger King to heavily promote their product which will cost money and time. Other threats Burger King will face is consumers changing attitude and behavior towards eating healthier food choices. Now days consumers are more conscious about their health issues which may result them not buying for Burger King. Increasing labor cost will also put pressure on Burgers Kings finance (Made Easy, 2012). Figure Strength(S) Weaknesses (W) SO Strategies Use strengths to take advantages of opportunities WO Strategies Take advantage of opportunities by overcoming weaknesses or making them relevant ST Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats WT Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats Source: Have, S. T., Have, W. T., Stevens, F. (2003). Key Management Models. Great Britain: Biddles Ltd,Guildford Kings Lynn. According to (Have, Have, Stevens, 2003, p. 187) as shown in figure1Burger King can use SO and WT strategies meaning that they will able to do what they are good at. They will also able to steer the business clear from competencies in opportunity. If Burger King decides to use WO strategies then they will able to take on opportunity despite not having the requisite strengths, which means they will have to borrow or develop the required strengths to outmaneuver the competition. ST strategies if used by Burger King mean that they will bust or buy their way out of trouble. For example these strategies will make Burger King to fend off smaller cafà © by means of expensive price wars, multiple channels of promotions and with insurmountable marketing budgets. PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is at tactical planning means to evaluate the impact of the external environment like Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors on an organization (Haughey MPM, 2002). Burger King will have to use PEST Analysis is a vital ingredient in their planning process. (P) Political is factors like trade restriction, environment regulations, tax policy, and employment laws that Burger King will have to comply. New Zealand government also has legislation that governs the dissemination and preparation of the financial information so Burger King will have to comply with legislation when preparing annual report. (E) Economic factors are inflation rate, exchange rates, interest rates, and economic growth. Burger Kings cafes survival will depend on how New Zealand economic is doing. For example people must have money to spent and they should willing spend it. (S) Social is factors like emphasis on safety, cultural aspect and population age distribution. For example McDonalds sells soft drink made from an Amazonian beery in Brazil, milk shakes flavored with durian in Singapore and Malaysia, and in south East Asian it is aphrodisiac (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, Sharma, 2008, p. 79). Burger King will have to identify will menu will people of New Zealand will desire. Also any changes in socio cultural trends will shift the demand of a partially product mean. (T) Technological are technological changes that creates new processes of producing products and services. For example new coffee machine which will give Burger King a competitive edge. Porters Five Forces Burger Kings competitive position in a particular market will depend on which marketing and management model is available to them. Burger King can use Porters industry structure and generic strategies models. Michael Porter five major forces determine the nature of the competition in market. This will set the profit potential and competitive parameters for Burger King as shown in Figure 2. Potential EntrantsFigure 2: Porters Five Model Forces Threat of new entrants Industry Competitiors Rivalry among existing firms buyers Suppliers Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of buyers Threat of substitute products or services Substitutes Source: Rix, P. (2004). Marketing A Practical Approach (5th Edition). NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. Porters competitive analysis identifies five fundamental competitive forces that will determine the relative attractiveness of Burger King. (Rix, 2004, p. 434) Threats of New Entrants if Burger King sees a strong probability of new firms entering their market, it will impact on how Burger King will operate. This risk is resolute by the extent of the industrys barriers to entry. For example if profits are only earned through economies of scale than the threat of entrant will be less. Also if Burger Kings capital investment in the cafà © is large and have product differentiation leading to customer loyalty, and high cost for customers to switch suppliers will also have barriers to entry by other firms. (Rix, 2004, p. 434) Threat of Substitutes Goods if Burger Kings products are reasonably cost efficiently and easily substituted by other products that gives the same satisfaction with low cost will mean restrict profits to Burger King. Burger King might also lose their customers but there can use product differentiation to promote and get their customers (Rix, 2004, p. 434). Buyers Bargaining Power if Burger King has a petite number on individually strong buyers then it will impact on their profit. The buyers can demand low prices, extended credit and very high levels of services. Other situations where products are homogeneous commodities and switching suppliers cost is low then the buyers strength is higher (Rix, 2004, p. 434) Suppliers Command of Industry if Burger Kings key ingredients are supplied by a small number of individually strong suppliers than it can put pressure on Burger Kings profits. Suppliers can control and increase prices, can demand fast payment or gives priorities to other competitor when it comes to supplying stock which will limit Burger Kings profit potential (Rix, 2004, p. 432) Existing Competitors. Some of the major competitors for Burger King will face are Mc Cafe, Starbucks, and Wild Bean Cafe etc. When all this consists number of companies starts to be competitive, it will have significant impact on Burger Kings profitability. Other factors that will intensify the competition in the market will be for customer loyalty and market share. it might be bit hard for Burger King to compete with them but if they do a market research and get feedback from the customers and promote their product at the right place, at right time ,and at the right price than Burger King will be able to succeed in their new product launching (Rix, 2004, p. 432) Porters Generic Strategies According to (Rix, 2004, p. 434) Burger King should be seen as a considerably different or supply at the lowest cost for means. They can be concentrating on specific niches or supply to the entire market. Burger King can use three generic strategies as shown in figure 3 STRATEGIC TARGET Figure 3: Three Generic Strategies STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE OVERALL COST LEADERSHIP DIFFERERENTION Uniqueness perceived by the customer Low cost position Industry wide FOCUS Particular segment only Source: Rix, P. (2004). Marketing A Practical Approach (5th Edition). NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. The three objective strategies are: Overall Cost Leadership Strategies will make Burger King to become the lowest cost cafe in the market by precisely selecting manufacturing ability and invention level, eliminating unprofitable customers and products. These strategies will provide protection against competitive substitutes and rivalrys (Rix, 2004, p. 435). Differentiation Strategies will make Burger King to promote and develop real or perceived differences between those of its competitors and Burger King. This strategies will protect Buger King by developing a brand loyalty against their competitors so that the consumers dont change suppliers (Rix, 2004, p. 435) Focus Strategies will make Burger King to adopt differentiation strategies or cost leadership strategies. This will make Burger King to focus on a particular segment of the market. This will provide a means of defenses to Burger King (Rix, 2004, p. 436) CONCLUSION Burger King operates in a very extremely competitive environment where the threat of competitors to Burger King is very high. It is very important for Burger King to build a point of differentiation that will make Burger King apart from all other competitors because its competitors are employing almost the same strategies that Burger King is employing. Operational excellence, high standard service, its innovative and quality products is what Burger King is known for today. So in order to remain competitive, Burger King must differentiate itself from its competitors which can be done through differentiation of products. Buger King must be able to maintain its global perspective, explore new markets and take advantage of new opportunities with the help of its market expansion strategies. The changing consumer preferences and demands also need to be satisfied. In order to do that, Burger King must develop a diverse product line.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Political Knowledge and Civic Engagement Essay -- Socioeconomic Status
The economic level also strongly effects on if young people have computer or not; also to have DSL or router for internet service also depending on how much money you have. B. K. L. Genova and Bradly S. Greenberc, 2006 indicated that the population with higher socioeconomic status their trends to political information a faster rate than lower status segments, so that the gap in knowledge between them trends to increase rather than decrease Age effects how University students rate credibility in online news and the students found online news more credibility than old media (Bucy, 2003),. Delli Carpini & Keeter, 1996 young people with high levels of education have higher political knowledge and civic engagement (Delli Carpini & Keeter, 1996). Speech researchers in this field have indicated that socio-economic status is another factor in assessing political knowledge and civic engagement, especially income; consequently, those with greater incomes are more engaged both civically and politically activities, and they are much more knowledgeable about politics issues than other groups with low income status (Delli Carpini & Keeter, 1996, p. 215; Schlozman & et al., 1999, p. 433). but the negative correlation between exposure to political comedy shows and age according to (Xiao Xia cao.2008, p, 56) in his study about the moderating effects of age and education in exposure to political comedy shows and its relation with political knowledge in 2000&2004 primary election campaigns in America but he found positive relationships between education " young people with high degree education more than lower level of educated " in political knowledge and political participation. Indeed, regarding the gender issue, the Internet allows the expr... ...g access to news and gaining information. Instrumental sites such as search engines, social contacts through e-mail, blogs, and Facebook, as well as the discussion of taboo topics are just some of the uses; along with entertainment, sports, and search for moral guidance and religious advice through religious websites (Bunt, 2009; Hofheinz, 2005; Abdulla, 2007 in Dominika and Sisler,210.p.3). -in Egypt and according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics the young people age (15-29) years as 2008 statistical were (35.5) million as (33.31%) of the total population and the gender ratio among Egyptian young people 103 males per 100 females; whereas the number of Internet users from young people (376.2) million (8.60%) men and (2.39%) women, this mean Men more likely to use and access the internet than women and this maybe for cultural reason .
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Organizational Transformation Q & a Paper
Organizational Transformation Q & A Paper Organizational transformation is vital to an organization. Organizational transformation â€Å"refers to organization-wide changes, such as reconstruction operations, introducing new technologies, processes, services or products, implementing new programs, re-engineering, ect (â€Å"Business / human,†). †Identifying and characterizing the roles of incentives, training, and education in promoting innovation in the organization can assist in organizational transformation.Also, knowing the role of leadership in creating, managing, and sustaining innovation in your organization will also assist in the transformation. Third assistance to a transformation would be to ensure that ethical implications are in place and lastly, if my personal organization is innovative or not. How would you identify and characterize the roles of incentives, training, and education in promoting innovation in your organization? Creativity and innovation ar e on the menu of skills that companies are now looking for in recruiting employees.This is why companies are increasingly hiring graduates of colleges. For existing employees, according to a Boston Consulting Group survey, not enough companies link incentives to innovation, â€Å"†¦while many companies clearly recognize the potential impact of metrics on behavior, very few firms attempt to aggressively leverage it by tying employee incentives directly to metrics. Indeed, less than a fourth of respondents said their companies link the two consistently, and nearly a third of our respondents said that their companies do not link incentives to innovation metrics at all (Lichtenberg, 2008). †In my own experiences, while many companies may not have explicit incentive programs to motivate innovation, many recognized innovation implicitly in their mainline compensation programs. However it is up to the supervisor to recognize an employee’s innovation contribution, there a re some employee suggestion programs that offer incentives for innovation. An example is Canon – when employees make a suggestion for a new idea to benefit the company, they are awarded variable amount of points. Every year the company has a President’s Award to the top 20 employees who have acquired the most points since the program began.They are awarded cash and a gold medal. While employers indicate that creativity skills are important, they are not doing much to train their employees. According to a study by the Conference Board, â€Å"Educators and employers both feel they have a responsibility for instilling creativity in the U. S. workforce (83 and 61 percent, respectively). However, their current creativity building offerings don’t match this desire (Lichtenberg, 2008). †What is the role of leadership in creating, managing, and sustaining innovation in your organization? The key to fostering innovation is leadership and how leaders influence the corporate culture.Leaders must build a culture of trust, one that promotes information sharing and a clear statement that creativity and innovation are encourage and will be rewarded. Here is an example, â€Å"Seth Waugh, CEO of Deutsche Bank Americas, cited culture as a critical factor in promoting innovation. Business leaders, he said, create this environment by offering incentives for workers who innovate and by making it clear that innovation is expected. You must have people with that hunger to always learn, who are always open and who think about things in a different way.You always have to reinvent yourself tomorrow (â€Å"Connecting the dots,†2006). †What are the ethical implications of an individual reward system? Support your answer. While there is substantial material on Business Ethics in finance, executive behavior and other business functions there is little on the ethical considerations regarding compensation or reward systems. However, ethics as appl ied to rewards or compensation systems involve how these systems are designed to encourage employees to go beyond legal compliance and motivate them to act in morally, ethically manner.It also places a requirement on leaders to fair in how employees are compensated and rewarded. Would you describe your organization as innovative or non-innovative? Why? My organization, the United States Navy, is most definitely innovative. The mission statement of the Office of Naval Research states, â€Å"The Directorate of Innovation cultivates innovative science and technology approaches that support the Department of the Navy and facilitate rapid and agile responses to our changing national security environment (â€Å"Office of naval,†). With a mission statement such as that, it is clear that the United States Navy thrives on the most innovative technology, techniques, intelligence, and sciences. Without a mission statement like this, the world’s finest Navy could face security fl aws and intelligence deficiencies. Our Navy has the top of the line equipment and procedures with thanks to the innovators at the Office of Naval Research. References: Business / human resources (hr) / organizational transformation. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. superglossary. om/Definition/Human_Resources_(HR)/Organizational_Transformation. html Connecting the dots between innovation and leadership. (2006, October 04). Retrieved from http://knowledge. wharton. upenn. edu/article. cfm? articleid=1569 Lichtenberg, J. (2008). Ready to innovate. Retrieved from http://www. artsusa. org/pdf/information_services/research/policy_roundtable/ready_to_innovate. pdf Office of naval research. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. onr. navy. mil/Science-Technology/Directorates/office-innovation. aspx
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Crisis Management And Prevention Process Essay - 1169 Words
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Crisis Management and Prevention Process Introduction This paper will extensively cover the crisis prevention process. By citing various examples of crises that have occurred in the past, the crisis prevention process will be made more vivid. Additionally, this article will outline a variety of methodologies to be followed in the event of a crisis. It will also give personal opinions on the case of crisis prevention and farther explain the role of various societal authorities in crisis escalation. Finally, it will give substantial recommendation on the issue of crisis prevention. Crisis management, by definition, is the management of a situational occurrence that involves specific roles, processes and responsibilities that will efficiently handle the situation. Crisis management responses involve a variety of areas notably; crisis assessment, crisis prevention, crisis handling and termination. Proper understanding of the processes will result to efficient mitigation of crises. It is important to note that any organization or society has to be prepared for crises and respond rapidly in the event of one (Booth 56). The Exxon Crisis Back in 1989, Exxon was faced with a mega crisis when its oil tanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil in Alaska. This tragedy involved the accident involving the Exxon Valdez oil tanker. Due to accumulated fatigue, one of the crew members failed to properly maneuver the ship. Additionally, the crew master wasShow MoreRelatedCrisis Management Response Plan Essay1427 Words  | 6 PagesAn effective crisis management response plan outlines specific procedures for administrator, teachers, and students during evacuation emergencies. Administrators work with teachers, students, parents, law enforcement officers, business and community members, to develop an effective emergency and crises plan. 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