Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Concept cartoons Essay Example
Concept cartoons Essay Example Concept cartoons Essay Concept cartoons Essay The children take it in turns to hold the torch and be the earth. During this activity they continued to discuss amongst themselves, they chatted about what time they were representing, morning, dinnertime and evening (appendix 3). They then turned the globe around and pretended to live in different parts of the world, deciding who was awake and who was asleep, I was still at the display listening just in case further explanation or intervention was needed. Exploring further using the mobile the children were able to consider the distance between the earth, sun and moon. Discussion with them led to mathematical equations to work out how we could show these using children in the playground area. The children took from the display the objects that represented Earth, Sun and Moon and went onto the playground, further questioning was used in this area to recognise the movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon as well as the relative distances. The children were able to convert the measurements into metres and kilometres in order to show this in the playground. Most of the children did not realize the huge distance between the Sun and Earth. Adults were able to discuss ways of testing. An example of looking at aeroplanes in the sky, the size they look when they are flying compared to when they are on the ground. Again the children tried to represent this on the playground, this was difficult but the children were able then to make the connection regarding size and distance. This particular group of children are mainly from the able ability group, the lower ability also observed what was happening but had no input during the discussion. Using the Concept cartoons I targeted the lower ability group to see what their knowledge of how a day is recognised during the next session. Concept Cartoon 14.1 24 Hours page 173 Appendix 2 Help was given with reading, the children circled the appropriate answer correctly The Earth spins once every 24 hours which then led into a questioning session to confirm that this was not a guess. A So can you give me any ideas as to how we know this? C Is that why when we wake up it is light and when we go to be it is dark cause weve turned round and now its daytime it must be bedtime in Australia and other countries at the other side of the world C Yeh and 24 hours means 1 day A Excellent, that is right, Lets go and have a look on the computer and see if we can find anything to help us see what happens in 24 hours to earth We were then able to access the NASA website where we could explore the movement of earth. The children could also explore how a year is formed through this and other sites, through talking to them whilst on the computer, they showed that they had no idea about this. With help the children used some of the information they gathered off the computer and information from adults to write a short paragraph to put on the display for the rest of the class (appendix 4) The group were able to print off some quizzes to look at, which were than used on the display. Following this activity using the idea of concept cartoons a range of card games were created using ideas found during recent readings It is through the ensuing discussion and argument that learning occurs and cognitive changes will be made. Primary Science Review 72 (page 6) March/April 2002 Bob Kibble These cards were put into the ICT suite, the children were then encouraged to play the game in pairs, then look on the internet to see who or if they were correct. The children were then encouraged to write a short paragraph on the computer to put along side the cards to explain which were correct. A great deal of discussion was held in the ICT suite at this point, although the more able group went on to looking at the position of the rest of the solar system and seasons, the lower ability group continued their investigation into day and night, the year and shadows. By way of assessment the children were continually challenged to explain their answers put onto the display. A Can you tell me which sphere represents the earth? C The pea A How did you know that? C Well the beach ball must be the sun because its the biggest, and I think the bead must be the bean cause its not as small as earth. A Yes, youre quite right, well done A sundial brought into school proved a successful tool to use to help with the concept of time passing and the creation of shadows. The children were able to use this over the period of a week to record information and show it in the form of a graph. In conclusion the display was a great success, both at the onset of the unit and continually throughout, the teacher was able to make good use of it throughout lessons and the children had access to it constantly. Although all the displays in the class are thoroughly planned and used as a point of reference and for displaying childrens work it was clear that due to the knowledge I was trying to gain from it that we used it a lot more. The class teacher was pleased with the out come, particularly by the lower ability group as they participated in a lot of the activitys even though they were very unsure about the concepts been challenged. The notion that display within the classroom can support young childrens learning is the aspect that is least recognised. Stimulation and motivation are starting points for learning, but display can provide support once children have embarked upon their work. requires though and consideration about how good display contributes to effective learning rather than simply making the room look nice. Reading for reflective teaching in the primary school (p 201) This quote was of most relevance to the project given and would appear to be a true statement. Although this unit only begins to look at the solar system, a good deal of children wanted to explore further, which they were encouraged to do. The range of questions was broad and the answers were sometimes difficult to comprehend for the children without the use of representative equipment. A good subject knowledge was of up most importance to be able to answer the childrens questions appropriately, the need to explore thoroughly the subjects taught is a necessity which can be difficult, but enlightening at the same time!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sociology Paradigms essays
Sociology Paradigms essays The poor and sociology within the structural-functional paradigm The poor function in their own corner of society. The people that are better off or even rich tend to live in different sections than the ones that are poor. Even so the poor people tend to segregate themselves from each other. Each ethnic group living in different sections and away from the others. They all have the same thing in common though, survival. Whether it is an act of crime for drugs, stealing for food, or even working a low paying job they all are trying to survive. The consequences of being poor though is that poverty breeds poverty. Very few people make it up and out from where they are at if they are poor but even so they try and get along with each other the best they can and keep there way of life going. The poor and sociology within the social conflict paradigm The poor differ from the rest of society and in a social conflict paradigm. Society tends to look down on the poor. The poor are looked on as inferior to the rest of society. Sometimes riots are started because of the way the poor perceive themselves as being treated. People in higher income brackets do their best to not drive in certain sections of town. Some people put bars on their doors and windows thinking it will stop the break ins if they live anywhere close to a poor neighborhood. Government has done a lot to help the poor though. Many avenues of escape have been developed for the poor. Many programs have been put into place to help the poor try and pull themselves up and out of poverty . Some of the people take advantage of these programs and the help that is offered to them and by doing so become productive members of society. The poor and sociology within the symbolic-interaction paradigm Gangs are a society within the society of the poor. Each gang has their own certain behaviors, ways of talking, and ways that they interact with each other. Each gang has different init...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Friends versus Family Dilemma Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Friends versus Family Dilemma - Coursework Example Adolescence is a phase of life when children begin to feel a fluttering in their wings and try to become independent. They make friends and start spending more time with them. Not only that but they also begin to get emotionally attached to their friends. This attachment makes their parents and family members uncomfortable. Children’s desire for independence makes their parents insecure. They feel that instead of giving importance to the family, children are giving importance to friends. No parent likes to see their children get away from their emotional blanket. Parents feel that by spending more time with their friends, there is a possibility of their children going away from them and also getting influenced by friend’s ideas and values. This fear of losing their child to friends makes them put restrictions on the child. However, the problem is that parents do not understand that when children grow up and reach teenage, their social and emotional needs change. What te enagers need is friendship and not security. Parents are the means through which a child gets exposure to the social world. Parents provide their children with unconditional love, support, security, and shelter. They do their best to fulfill all the basic physical, mental, emotional and social needs of a child. Child’s moral values, culture, traditions and thinking pattern are inculcated by his parents. Parents expect that their child should make them proud by doing the right things in life. Because of this expectation, they become protective towards their child. They fear that if their child tries to be free from their protection, he will forget all the traditional and cultural values that they have taught him. Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Critical Appraisal of a Piece of Research Essay - 2
Critical Appraisal of a Piece of Research - Essay Example The issue of defibrillation by specially trained lay persons is not new to the medical literature though Colquhoun and colleagues provide only a brief insight into the existing research in the field. For example, there is substantial amount of past studies exploring the potential of PAD on survival and other outcomes of PAD (Pell et al, 2002; Culley et al, 2004; Engdahl, 2002), potential locations of AEDs (Becker et al, 1998), cost-effectiveness of different PAD strategies (Nichol, 2003), etc. The studies employed both qualitative (interviewing, observations) and quantitative (prospective randomized trials, surveys) methodologies to reveal comprehensive and multifaceted data on virtually every aspect of PAD. However, the authors provided a very concise review of prior studies, and instead of analyzing and synthesizing the most credible research in the field they only briefly stated the results of some surveys and analytical works. Therefore, the declaration made by Colquhoun and colleagues that the PAD project launched in the UK many years ago relied on next to no published evidence of PAD strategies’ potential effectiveness seems to be an intentional understatement meant to place extra emphasis on the importance of Colquhoun’s study. At the same time, there are really very few studies that seek to compare the effects of different PAD strategies within the framework of one study and particularly on the national scale in the UK. In this regard, the study can really be referred to as â€Å"†¦the first report of a national scheme that has incorporated PAD into mainstream health care provision†(p.279). Besides, expanding the body of knowledge and evidence pertaining to still developing PAD approach remains an important task in terms of resuscitation effectiveness improvement. The main source of data was standard report forms
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Self Evaluation Essay Example for Free
Self Evaluation Essay I was quite confident about my writing style and had the impression that I am competent enough. But when more than one of my projects got remarks like ‘improve your writing skill’ and ‘work hard on your writing style’, I was shocked and was unable to look for my faults. I had to discuss with one of my teachers who explained that I was using parallelism in my writing style, which was quite boring and repetitive. Then I noticed that I was using some of the words quite a lot of time and they were even repeated quite a lot of times in one single sentence. When I read my story I found that lots of characters were created which either confused the reader or left them bewildered. I had to really work hard so that I make my essays or stories interesting for the reader. While analyzing my early essays I found that most of the time I got diverted from the main stream of discussion and wasted my pages on not so important issues. I now understand it was because I need to draw on outline of my essay before finally writing it. I should deal the objectives and organize them according to the preferences required hile writing it. Repetitive use of words or phrases spoils the charm of writing and fails to make story interesting. Even if the plot is good and organized, it needs to be appealing so that the reader finds it out of the ordinary. I had the idea that repetitive use of words and phrases add weight to your work but it is not in essays or stories. It gives the impression that the writer is using same words just because he is lacking original ideas for the story. This gives a bad impression and cuts your marks eventually. I was always against plagiarism and had the idea that it is just copying word by word of some other writer’s work. But even if you use some facts by changing few words with their synonyms is also categorized under plagiarism. It was quite difficult to understand this issue but I will have to work on it so that my essays are not remarked as ‘plagiarized’. I use sources from Internet or some times related books to research on any matter. I have written different essays on numerous subjects and all I was able to find on Internet. I researched and then collected the matter, read and organized them and wrote iving my opinion on the issue. I have been getting experienced in different types of essays dealing personal as well as public issues. I worked on various writing styles like MLA format, APA format, Chicago style and many more. Initially these were quite new for me but as I worked cautiously and followed the instructions it has become quite easy for me now. To mesmerize the reader it is important to maintain the charm of your topic and suspense of the story till its end. For a good writer it is important that the reader has lots of quarries hile reading the story so that he is not in a position to leave reading it until he ends it. It is an ongoing process and one needs to improve a lot to become a good writer. Lots of practice and a good guidance will help you improve your writing skills. When I was first pointed out with my mistakes I thought I would never be able to improve these things as they come in flow of my natural way of writing. But I was wrong because during the course I was not only able to get rid of my drawbacks but also improved and made my writing style interesting from the point of view of readers. Now this is the most important thing for a writer and he/she can get rewards only when his work gets appreciated by his/her readers. There are lots of things to be taken in to consideration when you research on writing skills and you will feel that you need to learn quite a lot of stuff on the art of writing. It is actually a vast area and there are things that are required to learn and some areas get developed with your experience too. I found that the areas, which used to involve me for hours while writing an essay is now engaging me for remarkably less time. These all happened because of correct learning procedure and practice also. As far as parallelism is considered it is not completely useless but you will find it very useful while writing employment documents. Here you need to put stress on some person or his qualities and it is effective only when you repeat words and phrases. So avoiding parallel style of writing entirely is not right. There are times when you need to echo some facts and there you will need this style along with balance and rhythm so that you are able to convey your actual meaning and intention.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Many Ways that Educational Technology Can Help Students Essay
The Many Ways that Educational Technology Can Help Students Abstract There are many ways that educational technology can help students develop literacy. First, reading programs, such as the Reading Computer-Assisted Tutoring Program can provide students with effective reading remediation, even when the schools cannot. Students can work with paraprofessional tutors and the Reading CAT, in order to receive necessary specialized instruction, which schools could not otherwise afford to provide. Second, educational technology is a powerful tool for motivating students to develop literacy. Students are able to actively construct their own learning, which has been proven to make learning more intrinsically motivating. Third, Electronic stimuli of sound text and visuals, and the wide variety of enjoyable literacy games, grab students’ attention and motivates them to read. There is also a wide variety of software that makes literacy easier and therefore motivational. Students can use talking books to follow along and listen to, at the some time that the books are read aloud. Also, students can use reading assistant programs, which alert students to mistakes they have made, by pronouncing misread words correctly. There is also computer software that can be used to assist in developing comprehension, vocabulary and writing. Fourth, educational technology can help remediate dyslexia through extended practice, which targets the phonological, and word decoding skills areas i n which students with dyslexia are most deficient. Lastly, English as Second Language Students can use educational technology to increase verbal interaction, and to develop phonetic reading, comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. There are many w... ...1998). Turn on to Reading Through Technology. Library Talk, 11 (4), 16-18. Fawcett, A., Lynch, L., & Nicholson, R. (2000). Computer-Assisted Reading Intervention in a Secondary School: An Evaluation Study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 31 (4), 333-349. Green & Ybarra. (March, 2003). Using Technology to Help ESL/EFL Students Develop Language Skills. Retrieved on October 11, 2002, from: Lafferty, I. (2002). Ready, Set, Read! Technology and Learning, 23 (2), 20-27. Lalas, J., & Wilson, T. (1993). Focus on Multicultural Schools: New Technologies for ESL Students. Media and Methods, 29 (4), 18-20. Quenneville, J., (2001). Tech Tools for Students with Learning Disabilities: Infusion into Inclusive Classrooms. Preventing School Failure, 45 (4), 167-170.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay
The micro environment on the other hand comprises the industry and market.  Religion, education, ethnicity, education and language, age group, family, cross cultural differences. In 1978, the Chinese government introduced a birth control policy of one child per family. (Newsweek 2014) This in the long run will reduce both sales and labor availability for Companies especially foreign brands like nespresso. The business culture in china is based on strong family ties and cultural network. Guanxi is a Chinese business practice of favoring a family and close friends prior to doing business. This could be unfavorable to foreign businesses like nespresso and other western companies. LEGAL FACTORS. Foreign trade laws, land ownership laws, patent and trademark laws, piracy laws, lobbying laws. According to reports, foreign firms cannot and do not acquire land as all land remains the property of the Chinese government. However the lease system provides foreign firms and corporation access to land for about a period of 50years after which the lease can be renewed. There was a case of McDonalds in Beijing who were forced out of their property by the government during the contract period (China unique, 2013). This spells an unstable working environment for nespresso. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors include, Unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation, interest rate, consumer discretionary income, labor cost. Unemployment: According to the ministry of human resources and social security of the PRC, there has been a significant decrease in unemployment rate in China from 4. 10 in the last quarter of 2013 to 4 percent in the second quarter of 2013 (Trading economics, 2014). This will increase salaries and wages due to scarcity of labor as only few of the population are unemployed. Similarly, Chinas inflation rate as reported by National Bureau of Statistics of China was at 2. 50 percent in January 2014 (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014). This has caused a reduction in unemployment and an increase in wages. This might mean an increase in sales for western brands like nespresso and luxurious brands. According to ban and company luxury goods purchases has slowed down by 7percent as Chinese shoppers now do their luxury shopping abroad (Ban and company 2013). This might not be too good for foreign companies in china but it shows how passionate Chinese are for luxury brands. Chinas GDP were recorded at 7. 7 percent (9. 4 trillion USD) in the fourth quarter of 2013. (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014) The above information shows that China’s economic environment would promote and facilitate business activities. (Trading economies, 2014). Lower unemployment rate implies high purchasing power of customers. Inflation will affect nespresso because suppliers will demand more. High interest rate means high return on investment. The higher consumer’s discretionary income, the higher their purchasing power especially for premium products like the nespresso brand. POLITICAL FACTORS. Factors present in the political environment include Political Stability, government involvement, trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff) Political stability: The three decades of reform in china has led to both a political and social landscape. (China daily Feb 2014). China has a unique form of political risk which is a constant battle between the central government and local government over applicable laws. For Nespesso, this stability and a clear understanding of local law would guarantee a stable business environment in the long run. Government involvement: The purpose of this is to protect domestic firms. (Protectionism). Government may impose barriers (tariff and non-tariff) on imports or foreign investment in order to protect domestic industries and to reduce competition. Although china has continuously opened its market for foreign investors, it has also place restriction on some foreign businesses in certain industries. For instance the restriction on American producers of autos, beef and steel into its market. (Bloomberg news April 2013) TECHNOLOGY. Technology when applied to work makes it easier, quicker and sometimes more efficient. The level of technology. Technology is inputs that improves an organization’s output. Technological factors includes machinery, communication, internet penetration, transport and logistics, social infrastructure. Internet penetration and logistics. See question 2 THE MICRO ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PORTER’S FIVE FORCES. Local suppliers include; Yunnan Zheng coffee co ltd, Baoshan Yatong coffee commercial co. ltd, Dehong Hogu coffee co ltd, Yunnan Changshengda investment co. ltd, Kunming Qianxi industry and trade co ltd, Acme Fate international ltd (Alibaba, 2014). This shows that the supplier power is low because there are so many suppliers in the industry. Power of buyers (customers): With over 14million people in shanghai and other major cities of china and the tea drinking tradition of the Chinese people, there tend to be a high buyer power amongst customers. Also, the quest for luxurious band amongst Chinese consumers tend to influence buying power Competitors: The level of competition in china is high not just for coffee consumption but also for other hot drinks. In terms of luxurious coffee key players include Starbucks, costa, McDonalds, 85 degrees, pacific coffee etc. research from Mintel has shown that there has been an increase in the number of cafes from 15,898 to 31,283 between 2007 and 2012. (China briefing, 2013). Threat of new entrants: With the existence of so many players in the coffee industry it can be concluded that there is high threat of new entrants because it may seem that coffee business in China is attractive. Analysts say there will be a continuous increase in the consumption of instant coffee. (Euro monitor international). Industry rivalry: Competition is intense in the coffee industry in china as key player continue to compete in different ways. According to reports, there is a continuous fight for market share, who has more coffee shops etc. As Starbucks plans to have 1500 stores in china, costa coffee has stated their intention to increase its number to 2500 by 2018. Nestle and Starbucks has been competing for dominance of china’s coffee market for the last decade. While nestle has focused on being a ubiquitous brand, Starbucks has targeted the upper middle class. (Context china) QUESTION TWO According to reports, China has 618million internet users. 80percent of this number are mobile internet users. (ZDnet, 2014). The outbreak of mobile internet users drove the number from 500million as at December 2013. With this number of internet users, a firm would have no problem carrying out online sales, advertising, or communicating with its customers. A report by adage confirms that Taoboa and Tmall, two of china’s largest e-commerce company broke their last year’s sales record via the internet. Therefore many firms are capitalizing on the power of the internet by doing series of online promotion. (Adage, 2013) Online retail sale according to Bloomberg, went up by 2percent last year (adage, 2013). The surging internet purchase indicates that Chinese consumers are moving away from bricks and mortar outlets for their shopping. Opportunities of online CRM and sales include; Wider reach. Using the internet, nespresso can keep up with a large number of its customers on a daily or weekly bases. Advertising. Nespresso can also use the internet to advertise its product to millions of customers at the same time. This could be cheaper to operate too. Segmenting purposes. The record of customers and their previous purchase can help nespresso in automatically segmenting it customers based on purchase history Feedback and adjustment. Customer feedbacks is very important as these information can be used in making services or products better. Despite the attractive and promising nature of using the internet, investors and firms should also consider the drawbacks of using the internet for sales and communication. The Chinese government recently just imposed a new law regarding e-Commerce in China. The law stipulates that real names registration of sellers on third party platforms, strict seven days return policy, and also online payment market place must safeguard user’s privacy. (Pac net services, 2014) Another report says the government is imposing a law where all consumer to consumer online trading would have to register for a business license and also pay taxes (China daily, 2014) Legal system. There are different legal restriction and regulation from government and regulatory bodies. Payment environment: the cash payment culture of the Chinese creates difficulties for online shopping. International credit cards are not accepted in most online shops. There is unavailability of credit card payment in most transactional websites. The online payment system in china is still at an infant stage. Logistics network environment: there is a restriction on foreign investment of logistics companies. Limited choices of delivery therefore, much more time is spent on delivery (jitm, 2007). QUESTION THREE Despite the large number of internet users I personally would recommend that nespresso adopt another marketing strategy as it will be very harmful to assume that the nespresso club would work in the Chinese market. From careful observation of the forces at work in the Chinese market environment, I can say that there is high level of government protectionism and regulation on internet businesses (Ecommerce) that tends to favor Chinese owned firms and businesses. Report has it that not only were a lot of websites blocked in china, there were also a Chinese replacement. Sites blocked include Facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, YouTube etc. according to report, the British newspaper The Guardian along with The New York times and Bloomberg news has been blocked in china for over a year. Motives for this act remains unknown (Taipei Times, 2014). Nespresso’s use of the internet is limited as not so much can be achieved due to interference by the government therefore using the internet could hinder performance as there is too much interference from the government. Nespresso should adapt its marketing mix to overcome the current situation of internet insecurity so as to reduce reliance on the internet. Though the internet can be used to position the nespresso brand image in the minds of the consumers for sales, or advertising or customer relationship but it won’t be wise business decision to apply the nespresso club concept in China because the government can decide blacklist them just like the case of Facebook. Nespresso should create more awareness about its brand to the Chinese public especially the less educated ones explaining the difference between house coffee and the nespresso brand Lastly, since there is already a tea drinking tradition amongst the Chinese population, nespresso should consider a local adaptation which involves offering other kinds of hot drinks so as to have a variety of products for it ever growing tea drinking customers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Assignment 2 Building a Foundation for the Persuasive Speech Essay
I will give personal connection to the global warming subject through giving personal experience and facts about its effects by citing some of the common effects I have experienced and those experienced by the audience or their close neighbourhood. Relating the topic to the audience will help me to develop a common ground and prove my credibility on the topic (Gregory, 2012). In addition, I will reveal my credentials such as trainings and seminars certificates on global warming and other relevant supportive information that I have attained in the course of my studies. I will also mention the sources of my speech that are from the field of global warming. This information will build audience trust and there will be high probability that they will listen to my speech. Need for intellectual stimulation How would you keep the audience thinking and learning about your topic?        In order to make the audience thinking and learning about global warming, it effects and the need to engage themselves in activities that would counter their effects would include engaging the audience by asking them simple questions related to the topic. This will ensure that the audience are always alert and following the topic so that they will be able to answer the questions whenever I ask. I will also give examples in form of stories in order to keep the audience on track. I will allow my audience to have a one-minute-break to discuss their experience on global warming before delivering the final part of the speech. According to Gregory (2012) engaging audience to maintain their focus on the subject matter and they tend to understand most of the speaker’s message. Need for creativity How would you make the speech creative?        I will make my speech to be creative through telling short funny stories in between the speech. I will try to give examples that paint a picture in the mind of the audience. For example, Instead of saying that the area affected was 100 square kilometres, I will relate it to a given Island of the same size. Need for relevance How would you demonstrate that this topic is relevant to the audience’s needs and interests?        I will include facts in my speech that show that global warming is a current problem that governments, organizations and individuals are trying to address and so there is need to learn about it. I will also include examples that have affected audience directly or indirectly in order for them to appreciate that they need to know about the topic. I will show the audience the need to address global warming issues in such forums so as to educate the major populations. Moreover, I will emphasise the future effects of global warming if respective stakeholders will not take responsibility to address the issues of global warming. I will also bringing out the fact that global warming might affect the audience either directly or indirectly and so there is need to study about its effects and control to prevent loss and damages that may be caused by it. This will make the audience to learn the relevance for the issue. The ability to relate the topic to the audi ence, the current events and your knowledge helps to demonstrate relevance of a given topic (Gregory, 2012). Need for emphasis How would you emphasize your main points so that the audience will remember those points after the speech?        I will emphasise the main points by making repetitions, pause to show transition to a new and main point. I will also use key words such as note, important, worth and other words that show emphasis. I will try to raise the tone for the main points and in addition to informing the audience to note information. Moreover, I will support the main points using a number of reasons for emphasis. I will use gestures to signal a main point and try to maintain contact with the audience for sometimes. I will also write down the main points and ask the audience to note them in their note books. This will ensure that the audience are able to remember the main points after delivering global warming speech. References Gregory, H. (2012). Public Speaking for College and Career With Speech mate CD-ROM 3.0, 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions. Source document
Friday, November 8, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Essay Formatting
Everything You Need to Know About Essay Formatting Essay format has nothing to do with the actual content of the essay, it is how you organize and present it. Essay format gives the physical look of your essay as the eye scans the pages without reading the words. MLA Essay Format with Example APA Essay Format with Example Chicago Essay Format Why Is Formatting Important? It is estimated that essay formatting can account for at least ten percent of your overall grade. This can be the difference between getting an A or a D. Thus, paying close attention to your formatting is a relatively easy way to improve your grade. Since formatting is often done after all the research and writing is accomplished, many students are too tired to give formatting the proper attention. They may also be rushed for time since this is the last task they do. For these reasons, you may want to start your essay assignment early enough that you can do your formatting on a different day than you actually research and write your essay. You can also enlist professional services like ours to help you format your essay perfectly and perhaps proofread your final draft as well. is your one stop shop for all the writing services, from background research, to writing and formatting your paper. Ordering your essay at means you will get all the formatting job done for you at no cost. In addition, you will also receive a free bibliography page as well as an anti-plagiarism check. Order your custom paper today and we will start working on it immediately! What Formatting Styles Are There? Most common formatting styles are MLA, APA, Harvard Chicago. MLA is the most typical one, and if you are unsure how your essay should be formatted, use MLA as the default formatting style. The essay formatting rules depend only on the formatting standards, as prescribed by MLA, APA or Chicago style guides. Many styles erroneously think that academic (or complexity) level of your paper will influence the overall essay format. This is obviously a myth: if you need to write an MLA style essay, it will look same for high-school, college or university level. The Same statement is also true for APA Chicago formatting styles. What Are the Differences in Formatting Styles? Each formatting style sets its own requirements towards a number of things, including: Title pages Spacing between lines Paragraphs Page numbering Margins Font size Indentation Binding Proofreading etc. Every formatting style has its respective formatting guide that can be easily purchased as a soft copy or a hard copy. There is, however, a great deal of information on each of these styles that is available online. Here are some useful links: Numbering Pages and Paragraphs Always number every page of your essay in consecutive order. Put the number for each page in the upper right-hand corner half an inch from the top and flush with the right margin. It is a good practice to include your last name before each number in case the pages get jumbled up with other essays. An example would be: Smith, 2. Keep your numbers very simple. Do not put periods after page numbers and do not underline them. Do not put quotations marks around them. Do not use a fancy font or embellish them with graphics of any kind. Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) instead of Roman numerals (I, II, III). The Importance of Double Spacing and Leaving Wide Margins Part of the purpose in writing an essay in an academic environment is to obtain constructive feedback from your teacher or professor. This allows you to improve with each re-write and with each subsequent essay you write. In order to leave enough room for your teacher or professor to leave his or her comments, be sure to double space between each line of text. Be sure to also leave a one-inch wide margin on all sides of the paper. Spacing Between Words and Sentences Always leave a single space between each word in a sentence. You should also leave a single space after each comma, semicolon, and colon. Never leave a space in front of the punctuation at the end of a sentence. It is traditional to leave two spaces between sentences. However, it is has become increasingly acceptable to include only one space between sentences. If in doubt, ask your teacher or professor for his or her preference. Indentation of Paragraphs and Quotes Traditionally, the first line of a new paragraph was always indented. However, many teachers and professors now prefer that students start new paragraphs flush with the left margin of the paper. For this reason, if your instructor does not offer guidance on this when they give an essay assignment, you may want to ask them what they prefer. Whether you indent or not, be sure to be consistent throughout your entire essay. If you do indent paragraphs, it is traditional to indent seven spaces or half an inch from the left margin. For quotes, it is traditional to indent ten spaces, or a full inch from the left margin, to set them apart more distinctly than paragraphs. Spacing Between Paragraphs Since you are double spacing between lines, it is best to insert four spaces between paragraphs so the eye can more readily distinguish between paragraphs. How to Handle Titles in Your Essay Format There should be a formatting distinction made between longer full-length works and shorter works such. Longer works should be underlined. These include books and plays. Shorter works should be placed inside quotation marks. These include newspaper articles, magazine articles, book chapters, essays, and blog posts. When in doubt, use quotation marks or consult the MLA Handbook. The first letter of each word in a title should be capitalized with three exceptions. First, do not capitalize articles (a, an, the). Second, do not capitalize prepositions (on, of, in, over, under). Third, do not capitalize conjunctions (and, because, but). Never Write in All Capitalizations Capitalization should be used sparingly or it will tend to irritate the reader and detract from your overall points. Although you may be tempted to capitalize every letter in an important headline, resist this temptation and add your emphasis in the words you choose. Table of Contents Guidelines Essays are much shorter than books. Therefore, most do not require a table of contents. However, if your essay is lengthy, or your instructor suggests it, you may want to include one. For most essays, youll want to include the following sections in your table of contents: Introduction Body Conclusion You can also provide subsections for the body since this is the lengthiest part of your essay. Beside each section and subsection, include a page number, in a simple format, for easy reference. Example: CONTENTS Introduction 1 Body. Subtopic 1 3 Body. Subtopic 2 6 Conclusion ..14 15 How to End Your Essay Many students feel it necessary to embellish the end of their essay with a fancy graphic. This is not necessary and may even annoy your teacher or professor. Simply end your essay with the last period of your last sentence and leave it at that. Similarly, you do not need to write The End. Be Sure to Bind Your Essay You should always bind together all the sheets of paper in your essay because it is quite easy for loose sheets to become scrambled or even lost. If you use a stapler, be sure to staple the upper left corner so the page numbers on the upper right corner still show. The same is true if you use a paper clip. You may also want to take your essay to a business center and have the left edges bound. Summary Writing a good essay takes practice and patience. Dont be too hard on yourself if you dont get an A on your first few attempts. If you are not satisfied with your grades, schedule an appointment with your teacher or professor and politely ask them for suggestions on how you can improve. Be sure to ask them about essay format as well as the content of your writing. If you need more help, or you simply have limited time, contact us for professional help. We have a talented team of experienced writers who can help you with any aspect of your essay(s), including essay format. Our prices are so reasonable, they are affordable on almost any budget. Here is a general pricing plan for custom essay writing (prices are in US dollars, cost per page):
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Fascinating Black-Footed Ferret Facts
Fascinating Black-Footed Ferret Facts Black-footed ferrets are easily recognized by their distinctive masked faces and resemblance to pet ferrets. Native to North America, the black-footed ferret is a rare example of an animal that went extinct in the wild, but survived in captivity and was ultimately released again. Fast Facts: Black-Footed Ferret Scientific Name: Mustela nigripesCommon Names: Black-footed ferret, American polecat, prairie dog hunterBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 20 inch body; 4-5 inch tailWeight: 1.4-3.1 poundsLifespan: 1 yearDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Central North AmericaPopulation: 200Conservation Status: Endangered (formerly extinct in the wild) Description Black-footed ferrets resemble domestic ferrets as well as wild polecats and weasels. The slender animal has buff or tan fur, with black feet, tail tip, nose, and face mask. It has triangular ears, few whiskers, a short muzzle, and sharp claws. Its body ranges from 50 to 53 cm (19 to 21 in), with a 11 to 13 cm (4.5 to 5.0 in) tail, and its weight ranges from 650 to 1,400 g (1.4 to 3.1 lb). Males are about 10 percent larger than females. Habitat and Distribution Historically, the black-footed ferret roamed across the prairies and steppes of central North America, from Texas to Alberta and Saskatchewan. Their range correlated with that of prairie dogs, since ferrets eat the rodents and use their burrows. After their extinction in the wild, captive-bred black-footed ferrets were reintroduced across the range. As of 2007, the only surviving wild population is in the Big Horn Basin near Meeteetse, Wyoming. Diet Around 90 percent of the black-footed ferrets diet consists of prairie dogs (genus Cynomys), but in regions where prairie dogs hibernate for winter, ferrets will eat mice, voles, ground squirrels, rabbits, and birds. Black-footed ferrets get water by consuming their prey. Ferrets are preyed upon by eagles, owls, hawks, rattlesnakes, coyotes, badgers, and bobcats. Black-footed ferrets eat prairie dogs. USFWS Mountain-Prairie Behavior Except when mating or raising young, black-footed ferrets are solitary, nocturnal hunters. Ferrets use prairie dog burrows to sleep, catch their food, and raise their young. Black-footed ferrets are vocal animals. A loud chatter indicates alarm, a hiss shows fear, a females whimper calls her young, and a males chortle signals courtship. Like domestic ferrets, they perform the weasel war dance, consisting of a series of hops, often accompanied by a clucking sound (dooking), arched back, and frizzed tail. In the wild, the ferrets may perform the dance to disorient prey as well as to indicate enjoyment. The weasel war dance or dooking may be associated with hunting or with play. Tara Gregg / EyeEm / Getty Images Reproduction and Offspring Black-footed ferrets mate in February and March. Gestation lasts 42 to 45 days, resulting in the birth of one to five kits in May and June. The kits are born in prairie dog burrows and dont emerge until they are six weeks old. Initially, the kits are blind and have sparse white fur. Their eyes open at 35 days of age and dark markings appear at three weeks of age. When they are a few months old, the kits move to new burrows. Ferrets are sexually mature at one year of age, but reach peak reproductive maturity at age 3 or 4. Unfortunately, wild black-footed ferrets typically only live one year, although they can reach 5 years of age in the wild and 8 years of age in captivity. Conservation Status The black-footed ferret is an endangered species. It was extinct in the wild in 1996, but downgraded to endangered in 2008 thanks to a captive breeding and release program. Initially, the species was threatened by the fur trade, but it went extinct when prairie dog populations declined due to pest control measures and conversion of habitat to cropland. Sylvatic plague, canine distemper, and inbreeding finished off the last of the wild ferrets. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service artificially inseminated captive females, bred ferrets in zoos, and released them in the wild. The black-footed ferret is considered a conservation success story, but the animal faces an uncertain future. Scientists estimate only about 1,200 wild black-footed ferrets (200 mature adults) remained in 2013. Most reintroduced ferrets died from ongoing prairie dog poisoning programs or from disease. While not hunted today, ferrets still die from traps set for coyotes and mink. Humans pose a risk by killing prairie dogs directly or by collapsing burrows from petroleum industry activities. Power lines lead to prairie dog and ferret deaths, as raptors perch on them for easy hunting. At present, the average lifespan of a wild ferret is about the same as its breeding age, plus juvenile mortality is very high for those animals that do manage to reproduce. Black-Footed Ferret vs. Pet Ferret Although some domestic ferrets resemble black-footed ferrets, the two belong to separate species. Pet ferrets are descendants of the European ferret, Mustela putorius. While black-footed ferrets are always tan, with black masks, feet, tail tips, and noses, domestic ferrets come in a wide variety of colors and usually have a pink nose. Domestication has produced other changes in pet ferrets. While black-footed ferrets are solitary, nocturnal animals, domestic ferrets will socialize with each other and adjust to human schedules. Domestic ferrets have lost the instincts needed to hunt and build colonies in the wild, so they can only live in captivity. Sources Feldhamer, George A.; Thompson, Bruce Carlyle; Chapman, Joseph A. Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and conservation. JHU Press, 2003. ISBN 0-8018-7416-5.Hillman, Conrad N. and Tim W. Clark. Mustela nigripes. Mammalian Species. 126 (126): 1–3, 1980. doi:10.2307/3503892McLendon, Russell. Rare U.S. ferret marks 30-year comeback. Mother Nature Network, September 30, 2011.Owen, Pamela R. and Christopher J. Bell. Fossils, diet, and conservation of black-footed ferrets Mustela nigripes. Journal of Mammalogy. 81 (2): 422, 2000.Stromberg, Mark R.; Rayburn, R. Lee; Clark, Tim W.. Black-footed ferret prey requirements: an energy balance estimate. Journal of Wildlife Management. 47 (1): 67–73, 1983. doi:10.2307/3808053
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organizational Training Design Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Organizational Training Design - Case Study Example The case presents a regional firm TCI, which offers financial services and is seeking to provide high level services to its clients. In this regard, the company has carried out sales analysis and the result of the analysis indicates an acute need for the company to tighten the effectiveness of their relationship with the clients if only they need to progress in the industry. Consequently, TCI has chosen a software package SAM with relevant features aimed at facilitating quick and effective customer communication thereby turning sales contacts into relationships and increasing sales. This paper seeks to design relationship management staff training program for TCI business firm. Organizational Analysis Having a regional presence and with the increasing need to fully and interactively understand the needs of its clients, TCI requires a strategically planned program to streamline the operations of the organization in general and the sales team in specific towards providing satisfactory services to the clients. Further, the recent analysis of the sales and the company results has significantly underpinned the need for training and developing program to enhance the operational excellence of the employees. In essence, SAM package is strategic in turning sales into relationships, which in the end; facilitate increased sales and thereby enhancing the growth of TCI. Work environment is somewhat systematic and this coupled with the biological evidence that there are significant mental capacity decreases as people grow old; the management of TCI should employ thorough assessment of the overruling elements of the working condition and the need for training the employees before initiating and implementing the SAM program (Noe 136). Further, the difficulty that employees associate with understanding the need for training, committing training content to their memories and providing feedback to the training providers should be evaluated and enforced before the implementation of the training program. Additionally, globalization and its influences play a significant role in determining the level of training that the relationship managers would require. Therefore, the management must be keen to underpin the influences of globalization in enforcing the SAM relationship package training program in a bid to succeed with its implementation. Given the recent analysis of the sales capacity and the resultant financial attainments of TCI and that the company has identified the significant need for the employees to manage sales relationships more effectively, the employees are likely to perceive the SAM training program as an opportunity to grow and thus enhance organization growth. Ho wever, it is important for the management to utilize a lot of prior reinforcement of the strategic importance of the training program in order to underscore the perception of the relationship managers into considering this as a reward and thereby improve the acceptance level and the practical willingness to accommodate the new features of the SAM relationship software package. This will enable the trainees to perceive the training as a reward for their prior work, thus significantly reduce the prevailing implementation barriers. The management of TCI in general and the sales management team of the organization in specific will be very interested in ensuring the success of this training program. The investors and other external stakeholders, if informed, will also be interested in ensuring the growth and increasing returns on their investments. In this regard, the executive management of TCI
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cross-Cultural Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cross-Cultural Psychology - Essay Example With respect to evolutionary behaviour, this form of giving up one’s life has slowly evolved over the ages in India. In the ancient times, the phenomenon was prevalent among kings and queens as the queens would usually give up their lives when their husbands died in wars, rather than remain widows for the rest of their lives. Since then, the practice has evolved a great extent and has taken shape in an adverse manner, causing degradation to the entire Indian society. If one thinks of the custom as something that would have evolved over the ages and helped the situation get better, Sati is not the best explanation for growth and development within society at all. It is in fact something that has been hindering the same, and has not let women gain absolute freedom. Sociological factors have also helped to lead to this very custom of Sati. It is a custom that has evolved from the very thoughts of people living in olden day India; the country witnessed ideals arising from a very p atriarchal form of society where the men folk had the power to decide what was to happen and how it was to be carried out.
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